
Red Tent Campaign to end Canada's Housing Crisis

CMAQ via Mic, Lunes, Agosto 9, 2010 - 20:03

Photo of a red tent June 25, 2010 [during the G20 in Toronto]. Written on it is a year 2000 statement from a UN Rapporteur

It’s been almost two decades since the federal government handed off responsibility for housing to the provinces, making Canada the only G-8 country without a national housing strategy. The end result is a housing crisis that the UN described as a “national emergency.”

Red Tent is an open source campaign spearheaded by Vancouver-based Pivot Legal Society. Across the country, individuals and organizations have become a part of the Red Tent Campaign to work toward the common goal of a funded national housing strategy that will end homelessness and ensure secure, adequate, accessible and affordable housing for all people living in Canada.

Modelled after a successful campaign in Paris, Red Tents are a symbol of Canada’s housing crisis and the growing support for a funded national housing strategy. Our strategy is to use red tents to draw attention to Canada’s homelessness epidemic, educate the public about the need for a funded national housing strategy and mobilize people across the country to pressure government to take action on homelessness.

Everyone who believes that housing is a right and support the basis of unity is invited to get involved in creating a lasting solution to homelessness.

Check out: to learn more.

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