
[Israel] A court declares consensual sex, without declaring to be Arab, to be rape

CMAQ via Mic, Miércoles, Julio 28, 2010 - 14:36

This story may sound unreal or a hoax at first glance, yet it is a serious article from the Inter Press Service (Jul 27, 2010) :
Rape, Deception, or Racism
By Jerrold Kessel and Pierre Klochendler

According to Kashur, around midday one day back in September 2008, he'd just stepped out from a store [...], when a woman in her late 20s began to engage him in conversation. [...]

The pair went to a nearby building and had hasty sex on the roof.

When the woman (whom he says called herself 'Maya') somehow found Kashur was not a Jew but an Arab, she filed a complaint with the police. The court was told that Kashur presented himself as a Jewish bachelor looking for a serious romantic relationship.

Kashur had been initially charged with rape and indecent assault. As part of a plea bargain that was changed to "rape by deception"
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