
[Wikileaks] Afghanistan: Number of deaths

CMAQ via Mic, Lunes, Julio 26, 2010 - 19:50

Wikileaks & Channel 4 News (source: TheREALNews Network)

Context : the network allows the publication of thousands of military and governmental reports, by offering those who reveal them a highly secured Internet system. This shocks governments, but offers information to citizens worldwide.

Leaked files: death toll
The classified reports contain detailed logs of fatalities - both military and civilian.

Afghanistan expert and author Stephen Grey, who wrote Operation Snakebite, has analysed the data for Channel 4 News and calculated the number of deaths revealed in the report.

  • Enemy killed : 15,506
  • Civilians killed : 4,232
  • Afghan Army (ANA) killed : 3,819
  • Nato forces killed : 1,138

The 'underreporting' of civilian deaths by NATO forces

In 2008, a AC-130 "Spectre" gunship carried out a ground attack on the village of Azizabad in Herat Province. The target was a Taliban commander. The report at the time said that no civilians had died. It only refers to 30 insurgents killed in action.

In fact, according to a UN report, 90 civilians died - 60 of them children as well as 15 women.

In September 2006, troops taking part in Operation Medusa moved into a large area around Panjwayi, west of Kandahar, and a known Taliban stronghold.

A Nato report found that 31 civilians had died - 20 of them from the same extended family following an airstrike.

The leaked documents record 181 civilian deaths.

Source: TheREALNews Network

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