Lack of transparency in government got you down?hombredelatierra, Jueves, Julio 22, 2010 - 15:14
FEDERAL TRANSPARENCY: the record of the Harper government on the Alberta Oil Sands Their cynicism and contempt for the public is unbelievable. New blog: http://transparencycanada.blogspot.com/ Let's fight back! "Just two weeks ago the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development abruptly cancelled a big report on the tar sands and the project's extreme water impacts. The parliamentarians even destroyed draft copies of their final report.".
DESTROYED DRAFT COPIES OF THEIR FINAL REPORT..!! Please.. please.. take a moment to reflect upon that phrase And these neocon wanabes were elected on a platform of "transparency" and "responsible government", eh? Is that it.. This is what those who believe in a just society or "redistributive justice" are REALLY up against. This is the TRUE FACE of the Beast: think about long term health and envrionmental impacts in the affected water basins, think about the long term geopolitical impacts of Global Warming on arid countries undergoing accelerating desertification..
Allen Ginsberg: "Howl". See part II, "Moloch": http://www.wussu.com/poems/agh.htm
What to do ? Can this scandal be used as a "wedge issue" to - eventually - force a wider debate on the issues of responsible governance and national goals? (This period may prove to be a "tipping point", given the state of the global economy, ecology and climate..) My suggestions: - bitch to your MP Is anyone interested? We have more impact if we co-ordinate our efforts.. |
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