
Montreal: anti-postering by-law ruled invalid

CMAQ via Mic, Martes, Julio 20, 2010 - 19:53

In April 2000, I put up a poster for Montreal's inaugural Anarchist Bookfair. I was arrested and ticked by the Montreal police. I challenged the legality of the municipal by-law against postering. Ten years later, the Quebec Court of Appeal has ruled the by-law invalid.

* The court decision (in French) »»

* Two news articles :

Mobilier urbain à partager
La Ville de Montréal porte atteinte à la liberté d'expression en interdisant d'afficher sur ses poteaux ou ses lampadaires, tranche la Cour d'appel
Jaggi Singh gagne devant la Cour d'appel

INFO: Jaggi Singh

CMAQ: Vie associative

Collectif à Québec: n'existe plus.

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