Call for actions June 5 and to start a campaign “Canada-Quebec Ship to Gaza”CMAQ via Mic, Jueves, Junio 3, 2010 - 19:31
The Free Gaza Movement in Canada and Quebec
The Free Gaza Movement in Canada and Quebec urgently calls for nationwide actions of solidarity on Saturday June 5th, 2010, and launches a “Canada-Quebec Ship to Gaza Campaign”. As the Rachel-Corrie, the last ship of the humanitarian and civilian flotilla still attempts to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza and its 1.5 million Palestinian inhabitants in place for three years, the Free Gaza Movement calls for nationwide actions and demonstrations on Saturday June 5th 2010. And as Israel announces, under pressure, the full and unconditional release of all hostages, including those falsely accused of assaulting its Pirate Forces, as well as the dead and the injured, the Free Gaza Movement calls for a day of action under the following demands: 1. The safe passage of the ship Rachel-Corrie, named in memory of the American student murdered in 2003 by an Israeli army bulldozer while she was protecting the home of a Palestinian family in Gaza. 2. The unconditional release of the four Palestinian-Israelis being held under false charges carrying long sentences, along with all humanitarian aid and ships hijacked in international waters by the Israeli Pirate Forces, and safe passage for the freed flotilla to reach Gaza. 3. The immediate release of full information on the passengers, including names and nationalities of all murdered and injured. 4. Legal prosecution of all those involved along the chain of command in the Israeli government and army. 5. The complete and unconditional lifting of the illegal sea, land and air siege and blockade of Gaza, and working towards implementation of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against the Apartheid State of Israel till it complies with international laws and treaties. The Free Gaza Movement also launches the “Canada-Quebec Ship to Gaza” campaign. It calls on all sectors of civil society across Canada and Quebec to join forces to send a ship in the next civilian, humanitarian flotilla to Gaza, which will be many times larger than the last. Civil society movements across the globe have already announced their own campaigns, including all countries involved in the current flotilla along with more countries who continue to join the world-wide movement to free Gaza. -- The Free Gaza Movement in Canada and Quebec, an affiliate of the Free Gaza Movement world-wide For interviews in English contact: Added note by the CMAQ : Action in Quebec City, this Friday, 17:00 : En hommage à la Flottille de la liberté, brisons le blocus de Gaza Action in Montréal, this Saturday, 13:30 (Fr/En) : |
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