Vermont workers back Mumia!Anonyme, Viernes, Abril 23, 2010 - 22:09
Green Mountain Labor Council, VT AFL-CIO
Vermont organized labor is joining other U.S. unions in calling for Justice for Mumia Abu Jamal! RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE CALL FOR A DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE INVESTIGATION INTO THE VIOLATIONS OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS OF MUMIA ABU-JAMAL WHEREAS both the New York Metro local and the National Convention of the American Postal Workers Union have already called for a new trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal; and WHEREAS the calls for a new trial are based on the egregious denial of due process for Abu-Jamal on the part of police, prosecutors and Abu-Jamal’s original trial judge; and WHEREAS both federal and state courts have repeatedly overlooked and overturned precedents, evaded facts and made new law with the apparent sole intent of not addressing, much less redressing the errors and malfeasance which has characterized Abu-Jamal’s case from the beginning, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Green Mountain Labor Council of the Vermont AFL-CIO (representing workers in Washington, Orange, and Lamoille Counties) endorses the call for the Department of Justice to conduct a thorough investigation into the systematic violations of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s civil rights by all branches of government through the years; and THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Green Mountain Labor Council will invite our members to send a representative to join an international delegation which will make the case for such an investigation to Attorney General Eric Holder on or about 26 April 2010. -Endorsed unanimously by the Green Mountain Labor Council of the Vermont AFL-CIO on April 21st, 2010 at a duly warned meeting held in the capital city of Montpelier. |
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