
As UNRWA launches emergency appeal, Canada reallocates funding

Michael Lessard..., Domingo, Enero 24, 2010 - 16:20

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

A Palestinian refugee woman. Photo: Munir Nasr, UNRWA.Important press release from the Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

Canada to withdraw its funding to UNRWA

(Montreal, Jan. 21st, 2010) - Last week, the government of Canada quietly announced it would discontinue its long-standing financial contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and redirect the monies to strengthen the judicial system of the Palestinian Authority and other food assistance programs. The news came out as UNRWA launched a special fundraising campaign to collect millions of dollars needed to support programs in the occupied Palestinian territories.

UNRWA provides assistance to 4.67 million Palestinian refugees scattered throughout the Middle East and administers programs in the areas of education, health and other social services in 59 Palestinian refugee camps.

[ action: link below to easily write to the federal parties.] [version française]

The agency operates solely through donations from various organizations and governments. It is currently under severe financial duress due to the increasing number of Palestinian refugees, the deterioration of their socio-economic level, unemployment and food insecurity.

"Canada's decision to cut funds to UNRWA and its essential programs is very worrying and could have important consequences for Palestinian refugees," stated Thomas Woodley, President of CJPME. "Reducing the capacity of UNRWA will terribly undermine the quality of life for these people. Canadians must respond to this announcement and protest against this radical break from traditional Canadian values of compassion and humanitarian concerns," added Woodley.

Canada is the seventh largest donor to UNRWA and contributes on average 15 million dollars annually via the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), which is currently overseen by the Minister of International Cooperation Beverley Oda. Several groups believe that the decision of the Canadian authorities to stop its support for UNRWA is more than just a desire to reallocate the money more effectively. It could reflect an intention to have the UN agency completely disappear. "There are groups who seem to think that if UNRWA were de-funded and disappeared, the refugees would disappear too. This is a deluded fiction," said UNRWA spokesman, Chris Gunness.

For more information, please contact:
Grace Batchoun
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
Telephone: (514) 745-8491

[picture: A Palestinian refugee woman. Photo: Munir Nasr, UNRWA. — Taken directly from original press release.]

Urgent action: system to easily send an e-mail to the leaders of the federal parties (Bloc, Cons., Lib., NDP, etc.)

My version of the e-mail to send
Michael Lessard...
Dom, 2010-01-24 16:39

( I sent this e-mail through the system linked above. It is not very sympathetic, but sincere.)

Canada must not cease its financing of the UN refugee agency in the Middle East. Canada's yearly annual donations to UNRWA represented a significant part of UNWRA's budget. I call on Canada to immediately reinstate its funding to this key humanitarian UN agency.

I find this gesture from the Conservative government to be downright violent against Palestinians. The Conservative leaders are declaring war, albeit by political means, against human rights and peace activists, and against humanitarian agencies helping the people in the West Bank and Gaza.

From this and many other moves, this government has shown a clear disregard for the rule of law and human rights. In some cases, it flaunts are democratic divisions of power by threatening not to respect Constitutional analysis by the Supreme Court.

This gesture will radicalize me and many others. We will work very hard at making this government fall hard and fast, by democratic means of course. The Conservative Party of Canada has now made many enemies, and the pro-Israeli lobby will not save it from grassroots active outcry against these elitist, racist and hateful so-called Conservatives.

Michaël Lessard


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