
Four Videos for the New Year

Anonyme, Viernes, Enero 1, 2010 - 14:48


The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-determination. Shriveling the financial sector is vital for a future of generalized security and environmental caring.


“The Corporation,” “Manufacturing Consent,” “The American Ruling Class” and “American Casino” could lead us out of the dystopia of trickle-down economics and the self-healing market.

The state has a social nature and cannot only be a power and security state.

The market is a tool helpful after political questions are answered: What kind of society do we want? How can the commons be shared? Are we citizens or only consumers?

The economy of enough could supersede the economy of generalized insecurity, non-stop minority consumerism and “financial innovations.”

“The American Ruling Class”

“American Casino”

“The Corporation”

“Manufacturing Consent”

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