
Successful rally against Sharia law in UK – 21 Nov 2009

Michael Lessard..., Sábado, Noviembre 28, 2009 - 16:41

One law for all collective


Several hundred joined a rally in London’s Hyde Park organised by One Law for All to show their opposition to Sharia and religious-based laws in Britain and elsewhere and to demand universal rights and secularism.

At the rally, over 20 speakers and performers exposed the discriminatory and brutal nature of religious laws.

The rally heard from people with direct experiences of Sharia law, including Iranian-born activist Sohaila Sharifi and Somali-born secularist Ismail Einashe.

Maryam Namazie, of One law for all

( see and hear the other speeches here )

You can read our article and other reports of this rally at

Here are videos of the other interventions...

Bahar Milani, Iran Solidarity

Sohaila Sharifi, Equality Now (

Houzan Mahmoud, Organisation for Women Freedom in Iraq (

Closing speech by Maryam Namazie

You can read our article and other reports of this rally at

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