
Wanted: Plays for Montreal's 5th Annual International Anarchist Theatre Festival - May 18-19, 2009

Anonyme, Lunes, Noviembre 9, 2009 - 20:10

Montreal's fifth annual International Anarchist Theatre Festival, the largest in the world, is seeking submissions of anarchist theatre pieces to be staged Tues and Wed, May 18th and 19th, 2010.

We are looking for English or French plays or monologues, from 5 to 30 minutes long, about anarchists, anarchist ideas and history, or any subject related to anarchy including anti-state, anti-war, against capitalism, racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. We will consider plays or monologues that are original work, that have already been performed, or that have been written by anarchists, historical or contemporary. 

In the past, the festival has staged work by The Living Theatre, The Bread & Puppet Theatre, Monique Surel, author of Au temps de l'anarchie, un théâtre du combat, Nicole Mourer, Norman Nawrocki,
Joseph Shragge, Le comité de la fin du monde, etc.

The festival is part of Montreal's annual month-long Festival of Anarchy that leads up to the city's 11th annual Anarchist Bookfair, May 29 - 30, 2010.
All work performed is without remuneration. The Festival will provide publicity, an appropriate indoor venue that holds 250 people, plus a guaranteed interested audience. All proceeds from ticket sales are used to cover event expenses and for staging future Festivals.
If interested, please send the script, a bio/resumé, a DVD or video (or link to on-line clips) of the piece, reviews of past work, your technical requirements, an artists' vision statement, and explain why your proposal would fit in the Festival. If you want your materials returned, please send a SASE envelope with sufficient funds for postage.      

DEADLINE: January 25, 2010 to either:  
or, mail to: @ Theatre Festival
c/o La Sociale
C.P. 266, succ. ‘C’
Montréal, Quebec
Canada, H2L 4K1

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