
Urgent request regarding H1N1 vaccination plans

Anonyme, Jueves, Junio 25, 2009 - 18:33

Canadians who understand the substantial dangers inherent in current day vaccines need to take heed of Canada's intention to vaccinate all Canadians now, while there may still be time to modify this draconian plan.

Sent June 25/09 to Public Health Agency of Canada's
Immunization Branch email form

Public Health Agency of Canada
130 Colonnade Road
A.L. 6501H
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9
(613) 957-2991


Chief Public Health Officer
Public Health Agency of Canada
130 Colonnade Road
A.L. 6501H
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9

Subject: Urgent request regards H1N1 vaccination

I am writing to request that your office make certain
information regarding your intention to vaccinate all
Canadians against this "H1N1" flu known to your
constituents and the nation, now, before a crisis

1. Please advise Canadians of all available
grounds for refusing vaccination, for example,
religious or other exemptions.

Are you aware that literally, there are concerned
citizens who would prefer to be shot than to be
forced to take vaccines containing dangerous

Are you aware that polio vaccine delivered
the Simian 40 cancer virus into millions, for
example, and that many tumors show the
presence of that virus in current day cancer
patients, for example?

2. Please advise Canadians of your intentions
for those who, knowing the dangers of today's
harmful vaccine components, plan to refuse
vaccination. Of critical importance is whether
we will be allowed to QUARANTINE AT HOME.

Quarantine at home protects us from the
danger of acquiring disease at quarantine
camps, allows us to use such proven effective
health supplements and purified water as we
have at home, and allows us to protect our
homes from looting.

3. Are you personally aware of the poisonous
substances used in today's vaccines, such

- aluminum (implicated in Alzheimer's)
- mercury (implicated in neurological damage
and autism)
- squalene, which, injected, can cause
autoimmune disease ?

4. Are you aware that flu kills by overreaction
of the victim's immune system, triggering a
"cytokine storm" in the lungs, and this is
why younger people are hardest hit?

Are you aware that for seniors, vaccines
cause few antibodies to form, and pose
mainly the risks of the poisonous components
without any real benefits?

5. Are you aware that high bio-availability
vitamin C can be extremely effective against
the flu, carrying many benefits and none of
the risks of vaccines?

(And are you aware that the United Nations
"Codex Alimentarius" program would remove
vitamin C in beneficial doses from being
available to the public? And that only tiny,
ineffective doses are available in countries
where Codex Alimentarius has been made

6. Are you aware that high quality (very finely
divided or "nano") colloidal silver, nebulized
and inhaled, can halt flu virus activity in the
respiratory system, and like vitamin C, can
moderate the flu without the risk of vaccines?

Please let all our citizens know the official answers
to these questions, the most critical being the right
to quarantine at home for those who plan to refuse
the vaccine.


Eleanor White

Eleanor White

CMAQ: Vie associative

Collectif à Québec: n'existe plus.

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