Can you define Indian politics in seven words?Anonyme, Sábado, Junio 6, 2009 - 15:20
Irfan Khan
Can you define Indian politics in seven words? I know you can’t. Even I cannot do it…… But yes, there’s one man who says a big YES to it. Guess who…….. The one and only Mr. Irfan Khan, more preferably we may call him “Cartoonist Irfan Khan” Well, Irfan is not one such who would restrict himself to a single category – He’s put himself into almost everything: Ask for children’s funny stripes, for terrific terrorist stuff or for political cartoons – he has it all. Also, he’s gone a step ahead cartooning the famous events of the world in his very own special way. Few of his exhibitions on special events include: Global Warning (2008): It’s not just the terror threat haunting all of us, but another major problem which if not now, will definitely effect our future generations. The exhibition raised issues, problems and solutions of how to tackle global warming. Terror Watch (2007): The exhibition showed how terrorism has become a threat to all the inhabitants of the earth and is directly or indirectly affecting the lives of everyone. Breaking Views (2004): Even Lalu Yadav could not help appreciating Irfan’s cartooning skills. The highlight of this exhibition was a train called Godhra Express that Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav had unveiled. The train had a sequence of cartoons on the Godhra riots and their aftermath. Cricket World Cup (2002): In 2002 near Cricket world cup Irfan organized his cartoon exhibition on Cricket at India, New Delhi. Inagurated by Amar Singh – Interstingly Amar Sing is mostly targeted in Irfan's daily cartoons. ;) Toon Tale(2000): This exhibition discussed issues haunting and happening in South Asia at that time. Inaugurated by the evergreen Dilip Kumar, and the young-at-heart Manishankar Aiyyar, it was one of my first attempts on international issues. Irfan was recently in news worldwide for his cartoon on the Former Chief Justice of India YK Sabharwal, for which he was held guilty and sentenced to four months' imprisonment. The issue brought the media around the world together in protest. The case is still pending in the Supreme Court of India. I bet now you can’t wait to see more of him, so go ahead and entertain yourself with all matters of mind explained through simple cartoons! Welcome to the world of Cartoons by Irfan! |
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