Following the eviction of the Autonomous Social Center – Grassroots gathering in front of the South-West District City HallAnonyme, Martes, Junio 2, 2009 - 07:57
Centre social autogere
Montréal, le 2 juin 2009 The evicted squatters want to show the elected officials of the southwest both their anger at the brutal eviction and their determination to obtain a building for the Autonomous Social Center (ASC). Following the quick, brutal and unannounced eviction by the forces of order, a spokesperson for the collective maintains that « it is unacceptable that major construction developers can benefit from a priviledged access to political personnel of the district, while we organize ourselves for 2 years already and that we receive only as a response, the use of force. » The squatted building was abandoned by its owner to wait to be demolished to make space for condominiums. « In 20 hours we made it habitable and safe, and then Crack! They crashed right into us » tells M. Yvan D. Grand'Maison. Sema Grand’Maison, another spokesperson, adds that « the ASC is long from dead and (that) this eviction has not cooled the ardour which animates us, of one day seeing our activities bloom in a building really our own. She reckons that 75 groups support the action and the some 500 people present at the taking of the building « reveal that our project is legitimate and mobilizing » It is on the order of the day, for the session of the Municipal counsel to adopt a resolution aimin to authorize the construction of luxury habitations at 2985 St Patrick, at the location and place of the current building. The ASC will not accept that their community project is squashed in the name of economic profit and the gentrification of the South West. The participants of the squat adventure will express their experience and we will go question the officials and the forces of order on their attitude of repression towards autonomous community projects. Press conference: 6:15 pm, in front of the District building. For more information, contact the Grand’Maisons : Email : med...@centresocialautogere.org |
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