
June 10: Austria Solidarity

Anonyme, Jueves, Mayo 28, 2009 - 14:53

Excerpt: on 10th june, we want to do the big international day of protest against repression in austria. activists in austria have vouched that they are prepared to stay for 24 hours in a central square in vienna to protest the repression. and they would like to put up a videowall, where they can show live stream reports of demos outside austrian embassies and consulates around the world. the idea would be to have a demo at 10 am, and then move around the globe and report of each demo whenever it happens at 10 am local time. i am not completely sure yet that this will work, but there is a lot of enthusiasm here to make it work.

dear all, thank you very much again for all your support so far. it is
really terrific and well appreciated.

on 10th june, we want to do the big international day of protest against
repression in austria. activists in austria have vouched that they are
prepared to stay for 24 hours in a central square in vienna to protest
the repression. and they would like to put up a videowall, where they
can show live stream reports of demos outside austrian embassies and
consulates around the world. the idea would be to have a demo at 10 am,
and then move around the globe and report of each demo whenever it
happens at 10 am local time. i am not completely sure yet that this will
work, but there is a lot of enthusiasm here to make it work.

what is sure, though, is that we do definitely want to have that
international day of protest on this day, wednesday 10th of june. it
would be terrific if you could organize a demo outside any austrian
building, embassy or consulate on that day, maybe at 10 am. if you can,
please get in contact, so that we can do the press work in preparation
and also possibly arrange the video wall live stream reports. it would
be really exciting.

further, on this 10th of june we would like to present the open letters
by international folk. we have more than 300 (!) signatories, which is
really great, so if you haven't yet registered and want to participate,
please get in contact and send us your logo. especially from the us, we
are still awaiting signatures of the biggest organisations.

the mood over here in austria is very excited, we do think we are at the
brink of getting this trial stopped. the media is grand, the public
opinion is unanimously on our side and more and more pressure is built.
media is reporting DAILY right now and the tone leaves no doubt who the
real criminals are: police and state prosecutor.

Please do join this historic moment, when the tide of repression is
finally turned! 10th of june will mark the climax of this whole campaign.

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