
Will The Recession Force U.S. Police To Shift To Forfeiting Intellectual Property?

Anonyme, Miércoles, Abril 8, 2009 - 17:42

Ross Wolf

The U.S. Patriot Act’s mention of “Commerce” permits U.S. federal agencies to read with little or no probable cause, business and other electronic communications.

Because of the high cost for U.S. Government to store and maintain seized property, such as homes, boats, and vehicles, it is problematic police increasingly might direct their efforts toward the forfeiture of non-tangible assets such as intellectual-property. Since the real estate crash, police incentive to “civilly forfeit” homes is much less—as millions of unsold homes among boats, planes and cars litter the U.S. landscape.

Economics may force more police to adapt to reading business faxes, emails and other electronic communications to forfeit “intangible assets”, believed involved in crime, property that can be sold. U.S. Government does not use “Clear and Convincing Evidence” to “civilly forfeit” property, only a "preponderance of evidence", little more than hearsay. Americans, who write sloppy emails, run the risk police might misinterpret their electronic communications. See what Intellectual Property may include at:

The U.S. Patriot Act’s mention of “Commerce” permits U.S. federal agencies to read with little or no probable cause, business and other electronic communications.

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