
URGENT : March with the Villanueva family!

Anonyme, Jueves, Febrero 5, 2009 - 00:22

Coalition against repression police abuse

The Coalition Against Police Repression and Abuse (CRAP), is joining the Villanueva family in calling for people come out in big numbers in support of their extremely justified and legitimate demands, this Saturday, February 7th, in Montreal-North.

To all those who are moved by the Villanueva family’s cause, this is the time to come out and show solidarity!

Although the public inquiry, presided over by Judge Robert Sansfaçon, is set to begin in less than two weeks, the Charest government is still refusing to pay the legal fees of the families of the victims of the police intervention at Henri-Bourassa Park this past summer which cost young Fredy Villanueva his life.

The responsibility for the legal fees should not fall to the families of the victims but rather to the government which called for the Sansfaçon inquiry in the first place.

If the government wishes the Sansfaçon inquiry to retain any semblance of credibility in the eyes of the public, they will also need to push back the date of the inquiry to give the families’ lawyers the time to study the case file, which contains over a thousand pages worth of documentation.

Come out and support the Villanueva family’s just and legitimate demands!

Meeting at Henri-Bourassa Park, corner of Pascal and Rolland, Montreal-North, Saturday, February 7th, 1pm.

CMAQ: Vie associative

Collectif à Québec: n'existe plus.

Impliquez-vous !


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