Montreal activists serve eviction notice to Israeli Consulate Montreal. Thursday, January 8th.Anonyme, Jueves, Enero 8, 2009 - 14:07 (Analyses) Montreal activists serve eviction notice to Israeli Consulate http://www.tadamon.ca/post/2560 Thursday, January 8th : In protest against the ongoing Israeli siege on Serving a detailed an eviction notice to the Israeli Consulate in Montreal Effectively shutting down daily operations at the Israeli Consulate this In solidarity with the 1.5 million people in Gaza demonstrators in “Canada’s lack of response to recent war crimes in Gaza speaks volumes Protesters are outraged at Israel’s latest assault on the Palestinian In the past 24 hours Israeli has bombarded three U.N. schools in Gaza “We demand the Canadian government cut all ties with the apartheid regime The action in Montreal comes on the heels of countless protests worldwide
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