

Anonyme, Jueves, Diciembre 11, 2008 - 06:39

Solidarity Initiative in Berlin

On the 6th of December, after a verbal conflict in the center of Athens, a police officer murdered 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos. This murder is not a single incident.

On the 6th of December, after a verbal conflict in the center of Athens, a police officer murdered 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos. This murder is not a single incident. It is just one among a lot of incidents by incontrollable, unpunished and arbitrary police violence.

Police in Greece murder young people, immigrants, Roma; they infringe upon human rights torturing detainees, beating demonstrators. The state breaks its own laws. The ones responsible are never punished.

Greek people's revolt, triggered by that murder, is not merely blind violence. It expresses the indignation against the economic crisis, poverty, unemployment, workers' precarity and the de-establishment of the welfare state.

The whole country is rising in revolt.


Solidarity Initiative in Berlin

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