Barack Obama, new mouthpiece of American ruling classAnonyme, Jueves, Noviembre 13, 2008 - 17:23
In renewing its great traditions of struggle, the American proletariat will have to fight the coming blood and tears policy of the Obama presidency The workers of America and the world should not expect changes in their favor from the government, the capitalist crisis which commenced last year will get worse and last much longer, with serious consequences for workers. Perhaps slowly, but inexorably, it increases and continues to increase the intensity of exploitation, the number of unemployed, to lower real wages.The crises of overproduction - not overproduction in relation to the needs of the population, but to the market - are a congenital phenomenon of capitalism. Whereas voter turnout is traditionally very low in the United States, this time there was a slight increase compared to the last presidential election: 61% compared with 60% of registered voters (4). If this falls far short of the wave of participation described by the media at the time of the vote (the rate of abstention actually increased in large cities like New York or Washington), there is however no doubt that Obama's candidacy has drawn in a large number of new proletarian voters, black or otherwise, to the ballot box, attracted by his promise of “change” or by the desire to get rid of the present government. A British daily newspaper confirms this, writing: “If Obama had lost the election while the party which has presided over an economic collapse of historic magnitude and 2 unsuccessful and unpopular wars while three-quarters of Americans are convinced their country is moving in the wrong direction (...), it would have been the greatest missed electoral opportunity in generations. This could persuade a whole generation that there was nothing to expect from elections. (5). Millions of people could conclude that the only way for the Republicans to lose power lies in a form of armed insurrection”(5). President Obama will continue on this path; after quickly abandoning his initial statements in favor of a military withdrawal from Iraq, he repeated many times during his campaign that he would increase the American military effort in Afghanistan. He endorsed the old theme of the “fight against terrorism” that has already been used as a pretext to justify the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. In fact the biggest and most lethal terrorists by far are the imperialist states, and especially American imperialism, whose victims are estimated in the tens of millions during the butcheries of two world wars or in countless “localized” slaughters! Behind the veil of electoral democracy lies the unyielding reality of the armed dictatorship of capital. It is easy to note that when faced with even the most meagre requests for social ameliorations, the democratic governments respond that they have no money, then they immediately find billions and billions of dollars or euros to come to the assistance of the banks or companies! Whether left or right, socialist or conservative, Democrat or Republican, bourgeois governments are only mobilized to defend capitalist interests. But American democracy has never been anything other than the mask of the super-gangsterism of U.S. imperialism, a worthy successor to the old European imperialist gangsters. Capitalism bears war within itself, and American capitalism, the realm of the world's most powerful “military industrial complex”, is no exception. For the American and world proletariat, American capitalism is and will remain the most powerful enemy and the pillar of global capitalism, even if it calls itself democratic and has a black president. Faced with this overwhelming domination of capitalist forces, there does not appear to be any way out. Yet it is the proletariat - the class of non-owners, forced to be exploited by the bosses in order to live - that create all the wealth of society, it is their wage labor that creates the profits that are essential to the life of capitalism. The proletarians potentially have in their hands the immense power to put an end to the capitalist system of misery and blood! But for this force to begin to concretize itself they must overcome all the obstacles created by the bourgeois class and its reformist servants; they must overcome all the democratic lies, class-collaborationist propaganda for social peace, all racial, national, class, age or sex divisions. As difficult as this may seem, it is not impossible to fight against the American capitalists, as the 57 day strike of Boeing machinists demonstrated this fall. There is no alternative to class struggle to resist capitalist attacks which will grow sharper with the crisis. The American proletariat, which in the past has carried out great struggles against a ferocious capitalism, will lead even more gigantic struggles in the future. - No to bourgeois democracy, which has systematically misled the workers and led them into the massacres of local and world wars! - For the resumption of the class struggle, when the proletariat, reacting to exploitation and repression, will organize a struggle of resistance to capital extending to the broadest layers and maintaining itself for the longest possible period of time! (1) Official figures of US Department of Labor for the month of October. The unemployment rate was 5.9% for whites, 7.8% for latinos and 11.4% for blacks: racial discriminations are always alive! This month the financial sector lost 24,000 employees, whereas the manufacturing industry lost 90,000, the construction sector 49,000, service sector 51,000, etc. If one includes part-time workers, workers “discouraged from seeking employment”, etc, the unemployment rate then reaches 11.8% (against 8.4% one year earlier). www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm (3) The Obama campaign has received unprecedented financial support: more than $ 600 million against probably a hundred for McCain. Supporters of Obama insist on the number of small contributions, but according to the New York Times a third of the funds came from campaign contributions exceeding $ 1,000, a higher proportion than for McCain or his previous rival Clinton. NYT, 6 August 2008. (4) Estimates a few days after the election: www.elections.gmu.edu/preliminary_vote_2008.html (5) The Guardian, November 5, 2008. www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/nov/05/barackobama-uselections2008... (6) http://blogs.suntimes.com/sweet/2008/10/joe_biden_seattle_fund_raiser.ht...
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