Justice for Fredy : Press charges against officer Jean-Loup Lapointe!Anonyme, Martes, Noviembre 11, 2008 - 12:55
The Coalition against Repression and Police Abuse
The CRAP would like to thank everyone who had the courage to participate in the march despite the context of intense intimidation and political pressure. The fact that the demonstration went ahead smoothly shows that the fear campaign lead by the SPVM and echoed in the media was nothing more than a trap to isolate people who are not afraid to speak out loud and clear that we will NEVER AGAIN accept police killings to go unpunished. Press release of the Coalition against Repression and Police Abuse (CRAP) Montreal, Novembre 11th, 2008 Justice for Fredy : Press charges against officer Jean-Loup Lapointe! Last October 11th, around 600 people responded to a call to action from the Coalition against Repression and Police Abuses (known by its acronym CRAP in French) and took part in a demonstration in Montreal North despite a fear campaign lead by the SPVM (Montreal Police) in the mainstream media. This demonstration was supported by at least 15 other organizations and demanded: a public and independent inquiry into the death of Fredy Villanueva, an end to racial profiling, police abuses and impunity, and the recognition of the principle that as long as there are economic inequalities, there will be social insecurity. The Coalition against Repression and Police Abuse (CRAP) coal...@hotmail.fr
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