
Stock market rally-Big Oil-Bush-Wall Street manipulation

Anonyme, Martes, Octubre 14, 2008 - 13:55

The world stock market rally is a manipulation by Big Oil, Wall Street and Bush to white-wash the capitalist greed and anarchy of Big Money and promote the candidacy of the Big Oil candidate, John McCain.

The recent bounce in the U.S., Japanese and European stock markets by 11 per cent more than meets the eye.

First of all, it is an obvious last-ditch attempt to whitewash the runaway greed and intoxication for speculative profit, and capitalist anarchy of markets led by Wall Street, Japanese and European high-finance banks and tycoons. It is a statement that the Party celebrating Greed for Big Profit is not over, the Big Speculators and Profiteers are still alive and kicking and should go on and on and on. This even while monopoly-style capitalism has battered the real incomes and jobs of the working people in the real economy. This, even while people’s tax money is being used to bail out the rich bankers and speculators, instead of the poor homeowners and taxpayers who need and deserve the support.

But there’s something else. What the American public should know is that the stock market mob in Wall Street was led by none other than Big Oil, especially buying of Exxon Mobil and other Big Oil shares. Isn’t the Republican Party now floundering in the polls a Party of Big Oil, as in the Bush presidential campaign funded by Enron and Texan oil companies? Wasn’t Exxon Mobil singled out by Obama in the debate for excessive profit?

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to connect the dots. The Wall Street spike was obviously a financial manipulation with a hidden agenda. Promote not only the World Bankocracy but also the candidate closest to Big Oil, John McCain. This new stock market manipulation appears to be the Big Surprise being talked about in mainstream media, such as the recent Meet the Press program hosted by Tom Brokaw, as needed by the Republicans as the 9-11 event to save the McCain campaign.

But this new Wall Street spike, like the 700 billion-dollar Bush bailout scheme and the whole 2.3-trillion-dollar bailout of banks in US, Japan and Europe, is bound to make things even worse for the American, Japanese and European working people, the poor and middle class. It is bound to suck even more money to the profit-hungry banks and away from the real economy and the working people. It is bound to bury U.S., Europe and Japan in huge budget deficits and grab funds away from already falling budgets for public health-care, education and jobs.

It’s time for the American, Japanese and European working people to put an end to the grand deception and greed of Big Money and Big Oil. Time to indict the criminals of Big Money and Big Oil! Time to end the Money Empire and build up a society of and for the Working People! Time for working people’s Socialism!

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