ICC charges on Sudan and the Arab League point of viewAnonyme, Martes, Septiembre 2, 2008 - 03:33 Regarding her criticism on the possible ICC charges against the Sudanese president Mr Bashir,in respect with Darfurian war crimes, the Arab League is showing a morally rejectable point of view and is measuring the double standard The criticism of the Arab League concerning the ICC charges against president Bashir is not only unfounded, but also morally rejectable Human rights of civilians in any conflict, are universal, whether it concerns Palestinians, Darfurians or any other civilians in the world The Arab League should keep that in mind Foreword: Dear Editor and Readers, I have learned with concern about the critics of the Arab League, concerning the recent request [dd 14-7] of the ICC prosecutor, Mr L.M. Ocampo, to the ICC, for an arrest warrant against the Sudanese president, Mr O Bashir. See for the League-criticism: www.thenational.ae/article/20080720/FOREIGN/488464583/1043 www.reuters.com/article/newsMaps/idUSL1633478620080716 The charged crimes are genocide, crimes against humanity and war-crimes in the regio Darfur [1] Not only the judicial argumentation of the Arab League regarding the ICC procesutor steps is invalid, more seriously is, at least to my opinion, the morally rejectable point of view of the League, thus bagatellising the war-crimes in Darfur I agree with the Arab League point of view regarding the Israeli violations of the human rights of the Palestinian civilians, but defending the human rights of the Palestinians, and neglecting the human rights of the Darfurians, is measuring with a double standard Human rights should be appliable to all human beings, wherever in the world, regardless of the conflict In underlying I will refer as well to the argumentation of the Arab League, as to the backgrounds of the Darfurian conflict Kind regards Astrid Essed A THE ARAB LEAGUE POINT OF VIEW REGARDING THE ICC CHARGES AGAINST PRESIDENT BASHIR In a resolution following the crisis meeting, dd 19-7 [concerning the ICC charges], the Arab foreign ministers have emphasized on the fact, that the Sudan national justice should have the mandate to proceed real or alleged war-crimes in Darfur. The resolution also criticised Mr Moreno-Ocampo's "unbalanced stance" for asking ICC judges to issue a warrant against a sitting head of State, for the first time in the history of the ICC. Before commenting the argumentation of the League, I first give a summary of the jurisdiction-mandate of the ICC: MANDATE OF THE ICC: The ICC Mandate is based on the Statute of Rome [dd 1998], which forms the consolidation of the judicial authority of the ICC [2] 1 Concerning the crimes to be prosecuted: The jurisdiction of the ICC, concerns only the most serious crimes, namely Also the ICC has the jurisdiction about ''crimes of aggression'', but there is no international consent about the definition of this crime yet [4] 2 Concerning the persons to be prosecuted: Concerning the above named serious crimes, every national of a country, which has ratified the Statute of Rome, can be persecuted, not only for direct responsibility [by committing the crime personally], but also for giving the military or political orders Explicitly stated in article 27, Statute of Rome, there is no immunity whatsoever regarding the political or military status, which implies, that also leading politicians like ministers or Heads of State can be charged I quote article 27, nr 1, Statute of Rome ''This Statute shall apply equally to all persons without any distinction based on official capacity. 3 Principle of non-retroactivity In her jurisdiction, the ICC follows the principle of non-retroactivity, which implies, that committed serious crimes before 1-7-2002 (the official date of the entering of force of the Statute of Rome) can´t be prosecuted by the ICC However, since the to be prosecuted war-crimes in Darfur have been committed after this period, this charging is fully legitimate 4 Principle of complementarity According to the Rome-Statute,, the ICC has a jurisdiction, that is ''complementary'' to the national judicial systems Only when the national judicial system is not willing, or unable to proceeds, the ICC steps in. [7] B COMMENTS ON THE ARGUMENTATION OF THE ARAB LEAGUE: 1 Heads of State The argumentation of the League was partly based on Mr Bashir being a sitting Head of State However, resuming the ICC Mandate, a national can be prosecuted, regardless of his or her political status 2 Prosecution of war-crimes by the Sudanese judicial system The other argumentation of the League, that war-crimes in Darfur should be prosecuted by the Sudanese judicial system, makes no sense also Although it is true, that the ICC will not act, if a case is investigated or prosecuted by a national judicial system, it is obvious, that the national judicial system must be either willing or able to investigate or prosecute However, since the Sudanese judicial system is failing to prosecute war crimes and other crimes in Darfur, the ICC has the jurisdiction to prosecute REGARDING THE FAILING OF THE SUDANESE JUDICIAL SYSTEM: In 2005, the International Commission of Inquiry established by U.N. Security Council Resolution 1564 published the findings of its three-month investigation of crimes in Darfur. In respect with the above named conclusions of the International Commission, the Security Council referred the Darfur situation to the ICC for further investigation After the ICC confirmation dd 6-6-2005, that the Darfur-case would be investigated, the very following day [dd 7-6], the Sudanese government announced the establishment of the Special National Criminal Court for Darfur, a new tribunal to begin proceedings immediately in collaboration with state prosecutors in Darfur. However, it became clear, that the Sudanese investigations after war-crimes in Darfur turned out to be a charade This wasn't based on true fact findings at all, since there were public accusations against certain militia leaders [who supported the Sudanese army] and the Sudanese military [9] REGARDING THE SUDANESE GOVERNMENTAL TOLERANCE FOR WAR-CRIMES: Since then, the Sudanese government has made it even more difficult to prosecute soldiers implicated in war crimes or crimes against humanity. It may be clear, that since the Sudanese justice-system is as well unwilling, as unable to prosecute the committed war-crimes in Darfur, the referred crimes have been committed since 2003, and heads of State, sitting or not, have no immunity whatsoever before the ICC, the objections of the Arab League against possible ICC prosecution are invalid [11] An example also is the unwillingness of the Sudanese government, to deliver to the ICC, two Sudanese leaders with an ICC arrest warrant, namely The State Minister of Humanitarian Affairs Mr A. Haroun and the Janjaweed leader, Mr A. Kosheib, without any further Sudanese judicial investigation or prosecution [12] THE ARAB LEAGUE TOLERANCE FOR WAR-CRIMES However, to me, the most shocking aspect of the Arab League critics is not the judicial discussion, but its apparent bagatellising of the Darfur war-crimes and crimes against humanity, C HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS OF BOTH PARTIES TO THE CONFLICT To state it shortly, in the region Darfur, since 2003, the Sudanese governmental troops, with the military assistance of the Arab so called ''Janjaweed militia'', tries to suppress an insurgency by the African rebel groups, the SLA/M and the JEM However, in nearly all cases, this battle isn't directed against the rebel groups themselves, but against the civilians of the three tribes, which are of the same ethnic descent as the rebelgroups, namely the Fur, Zaghawa and Masalit According to International Humanitarian Law, any military action, which is consciously directed against the civilian population, is a war-crime Since 2003 untill the first half of 2008, more than 200.000 Darfurian civilians have been killed by as well government troops and the governmental supported Janjaweed militia, and their villages burnt down Also in Chad, the refugees were attacked and raped by the Janjaweed-militia and the Sudanese governmental troops, which were supported by Chadian rebels [against the Chadian government] Despite the presence of the AMIS [Peacekeeper power of the African Union] and her successor the UNAMID [UN Assistance Mission in Darfur], for the protection of civilians in Darfur and the EUFOR and MINURCAT, for the protection of civilians in Chad, human rights violations and war-crimes continue AMIS Peacekeepers and humanitarian aid workers have also been military attacked. As well as the Sudanese military, as the rebelgroups have hindered food and medicine concoys for the civilian population. Besides the Sudanese authorities, also the rebel groups are responsible for serious war-crimes, like abduction of and other attacks on civilians and, humanitarian aid workers, interference with humanitarian convoys and other distribution of humanitarian assistance and the recruitment and use of child soldiers [13] For all clearity See also http://www.hrw.org/campaigns/darfur/map.htm D THE DARFUR HUMANITARIAN CONFLICT FOREWORD: 1 No religious conflict: At first it must be clear, that the Darfur crisis isn''t a religious one, since all conflictsparties, as well as the Darfur civilians, are muslims. 2 About the ethnical side of the conflict: In the newsmedia often is referred to the socalled ''African-Arab'' conflict Besides, there are also many larger Arab communities in Darfur who have have not participated in the conflict and are living at peace with their neighbours, [15] However, the Arab and African tribes can be roughly distinguished in three major aspects, their partly mixed descent, tending to be more ´´Arab´´ or ´´African´´ (with all nuances by intermarriage), their language and their occupation The majority of the African tribes don't speak Arabic at home, in contrary with the real or claimed Arab tribes This distinction in occupation forms the original roots of the conflict [16] Although however it is a simplification to call it an etnical conflict, by consciously supporting the greatly Arab etnical militia and her policy of ''Arabisation'', the government is intensifying the etnical side of the conflict [17] HISTORICAL BACKGROUNDS: The origins of the Darfur-conflict are rooted in the usual conflct between [Arab] nomads and [African] farmers, due to their economically different lifestyle, resulting for example in trampling the fields of the farmers, by the cattle of the herds Although in the past, often the disputes were resolved through negotiation between traditional leaders on both sides, in the second half of the 80''s the conflict intensified by the continuing drought [dryness], as well the political interference of the Sudanese government Due to the dryness and desertification, an influx of Arab nomads emerged and systematically, attacks on the land and fields of African farmers of especially the tribes of the Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa, took place 1 The interference of the Sudanese government and the further intensifying in the nineties: However, the basis of the present humanitarian crisis in Darfur is being laid by the interference of the present Sudanese government, neglecting the rights of the Darfur African farmer-population and advantaging the Arab nomad-tribes Coping with a yearlong comflict with the SPLA/M rebels of the South of Sudan [19], succeeding Arab-Sudanese governments, which have always waged a policy of Arabisation, recruited militia's out of Arab nomads tribes, to restore order in the South, by which atrocious human rights violations against the civilian population took place, which were also aggravated by oilintedrests [20] From this political point of view, it was hardly suprising, that the Sudanese government, in order to to restore order in Darfur, also recruited from Arab tribes, to form militia Moreover, a wide-reaching 1994 administrative reorganization by the government of President Bashir in Darfur gave members of Arab ethnic groups new positions of power, which the African [farmer] tribes Masalit, like their Fur and Zaghawa neighbors, saw as an attempt to undermine their traditional leadership role and the power of their communities in their homeland.[21] The humanitarian consequences were, again, a new influx of Arab tribes at the end of the nineties, which escalated the conflict between the Arab nomads and the African farmers The reaction of the Sudanese government was to bring in military forces in an attempt to restore order and also appointing a military man responsible for security overall, with the power to overrule even the West Darfur state governor. However, this was only on paper, since the conflict only escalated, not in the least place by the governmental support for -Arab militia attacks on Masalit villages and the arrests and torture of many Masalit intellectuals 2 Resistance: The rise of the rebel groups: It is no suprising, that as a reaction on all the attacks on the African villages, as well the governmental preference for the Arab nomad-tribes, out of the Masalit, Fur and Zaghawa [the attacked African communities], two rebel groups were formed, the Sudan Liberation Army [SLA/M] and the Justice and Equality Movement [JEM] The military confrontation with the Sudanese government and the governmental supported Arab Janjaweed militia, would start early 2003 E THE PRESENT HUMANITARIAN CRISIS FROM 2003 TILL 2008 From february 2003, the conflict intensified in Darfur, when SLA and the JEM waged a rebellion against the Sudanese government, attacking governmental troops and the governmental formed militia As a reaction, governmental troops and militia's [especially the Janjaweed] started an attack, which was in most cases not directed against the rebellion groups, but against the civilian population, which belonged to the same ethnic group as the rebels [namely the Fur, Zaghawa and Masalit] 1 Human rights rules According to International Humanitarian Law, by any military attack, a strict distinction between combatants [military and fighters] and non-combatants [civilians] must be made When there is an overlap situation [the presence of fighters in a village or city], military, attackers must take all preparations to protect the civilian population It is obvious, that human rights rules against the protection of the civilian population must be followed by all conflictsparties, whether a regular army, a militia or a rebellion group 2 Sudanese military and governmental supported militia attacks: The civilian population was targetted through a combination of indiscriminate and deliberate aerial bombardment Especially the Janjaweed-militia, but also governmental troops are responsible for systematically burning of villages, destruction of poperty, murder and torture of villagers and raping of thousands of women and girls, not only from the Fur, Zaghawa, Masalit, but also from the Berti, Tunjur, and other non-Arab tribes. [27] Another grave crime is the ethnic cleansing of the civilian non-Arab population [29] Ethnic cleansings, massslaughers and mass-rapings are crimes against humanity 3 Demasking Sudanese governmental denial of militia support At several occasions, the Sudanese government has denied her support of the Janjaweed militia, which are one of the head responsibles for the atrocious war-crimes, as mass-slaughters, rapings and etnical cleansings 4 War-crimes and human rights violations by the rebel groups [SLA and JEM]: Not only the Sudanese government and the Janjaweed militia, also the rebelgroups are responsible for war-crimes against the civilian population like abduction and direct military attacks on civilians and interference with humanitarian convoys and other distribution of humanitarian assistance; THE CHADIAN CONNECTION The border of neigbouring country Chad, where the Darfurian people fled to, always has been a troubled place, since Chadian rebels against their government, were hiding there, harrassing the civilian population It is obvious, that this was no safe refugeeplace for the Darfurian civilian population at all, which was intensified by the regular attacks by the Sudanese military and Janjaweed militia, crossing over the border Tensions between the Sudanese and Chadian governments: Moreover, there were traditionally tensions between the Humanitarian events in Chad 2005-2007 Early 2005, the number of millitary attacks on civilians as well in Darfur as in Chad were decreased, partly due to a temporary cease of fire between the Sudanese government and the rebel groups However, the situation deteriorated late 2005, since Chadian rebels backed by the Sudanese government established bases in Darfur and began carrying out attacks across the border The most recent attacks were in March 2007, when at least 200 were killed in a village near the border with Sudan. Hundreds more were killed in attacks on more than 70 villages in November 2006 [35] International reaction: In September 2007 the United Nations Security Council approved a hybrid European Union (EU)/UN civilian protection mission for eastern Chad comprised of EUFOR, a 3,700-strong European Union military force, and MINURCAT, a UN humanitarian operation tasked with training police and improving the judicial system. FROM 2005-2008: I have already mentioned the war-crimes and human rights violations of the rebelgroups, like abduction of and other attacks on civilians and humanitarian, aid workers, the interference and blockade of humanitarian convoys and other distribution of humanitarian assistance, and the recruitment and use of child soldiers However, also in their resistance against the Sudanese government, there was no unity, since there were changing alliances and splittings up of the parties Especially there were clashes between the SLA Minawi fighers [who had undersigned the treaty of 2005 with the Sudanese governments] and the other rebel-groups, which has caused a refugee stream of thousands of civilians [36] In the present situation [april 2008] , there are some two dozen splinter factions of the SLA and JEM. 2004 till 2008: Despite the Sudanese allegations, there has been always a lack of cooperation with peace-keeping forces, regarding the protection of the civilians in Darfur Since 2004, the AMIS [the African peacekeeping military power] has not only been constantly obstructed by the Sudanese authorities, also as well as the Sudanese military, as the rebel-groups, have attacked the AMIS troops several times Dd 1-1-2008, the AMIS was transmitted in the UNAMID, a joined African Union and UN peacekeeping mission, after the passing of UN Security Council Resolution 1769, with which Sudan reluctantly consented in july 2007. The Unamid Mandate has a maximum capacity of 26.000 soldiers However, since either the Sudanese government or the various rebel-groups are really cooperating with UNAMID, the humanitarian situation of the Darfurian people stay precarious Also in the past few months, several times, UNAMID and humanitarian aid workers have been shot Another obstacle for UNAMID is the unableness to operate on a largescale territory. At 1-8-2008, the peacemission UNAMID is prolonged for a year [37] FROM 2008: After a further detoriation for the civilian population in 2006 and 2007, the human rights situation even has deteriorated in 2008 Between January and April 2008 four humanitarian workers were killed in Darfur, and 102 humanitarian vehicles were hijacked, while 29 drivers contracted by World Food Program to deliver food aid were missing During the same period at least 14 humanitarian premises were attacked by armed persons and four humanitarian compounds were destroyed and looted. At least 100,000 people are currently cut off from humanitarian aid, and many more are accessible only by helicopter. CONTINUED SUDANEASE WAR-CRIMES AND HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS The Sudanese government continued its aerial bombings on civilian areas and the Janjaweed militia have intensified their attacks against the civilian population FEBRUARY 2008 A horrible example is february 2008, when government forces and allied militia carried out a series of coordinated attacks on three villages in West Darfur. In the following weeks, clashes occurred between government forces and JEM and the SLA in the nearby Jebel Mun area. Government forces targeted civilians, some being sought out in their hiding places and shot. 2008 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS AND WAR-CRIMES BY REBEL AND EX REBEL-GROUPS: In 2006, the then SLA rebel leader Mr Minawi signed the Darfur Peace Agreement with the Sudanese government, thus seperating from the SLA AFTER MAY THE 10 TH: After an attack on may the 10th on Ondurman [a part of the city Khartoum] by the rebelgroup JEM, the Sudanese authorities arbitrarily arrested hundreds of men, women and children. Also the arrest of the children is, regarding the arbitrary character and the fact, that the arrest of children should be the last resort, in contrary with the Convention of the Rights of the Child Also the detention conditions were bad, torture had been applied and people have been ''dissappeared'' or held ''incommunicado'' [detention in total isolation, without any access to the outside world, even not to a lawyer] [39] LATE JULY, SUDANEASE UNFAIR TRIALS, LEADING TO DEATH SENTENCES: Also in respect with the JEM attack on Ondurman, Sudanese special Anti-Terrorism Courts have sentenced to death 30 real or alleged rebels, after an unfair trial, by which the rights of the defendants have been violated [40] F ICC INVESTIGATIONS REGARDING PRESIDENT BASHIR: In reaction on the announcement of the ICC warrant request, the Sudanese government has launched a diplomatic campaign to persuade the United Nations Security Council to suspend the investigation. Of course it is obvious, that the Security Council should not yield to such a blackmail of the Sudanese government, that has the international obligation to respect the human rights of civilians and humanitarian workers Yet the African Union, convinced by the Sudanese government, has asked the Security Council to defer ICC proceedings for twelve months, referring to article 16, Statute of Rome [41] Yet apart from this morally rejectable step, a postponement of the ICC proceedings by the Security Council, could lead not only to impunity of the Sudanese government, also it would open the way for impunity for other governments and Statesmen, who violate human rights EPILOGUE: Overviewing the yearlong human rights violations, war-crimes and crimes against humanity against the Darfurian civilian population, it is clear, that the critic of the Arab League regarding ICC investigations to a possible warrant against the Sudanese president Bashir, is as well out of place as morally rejectable Further it is to be hoped, that the Security Council will refuse the African request for postponing the ICC investigations regarding president Bashir Also the ICC prosecutor should keep in mind, that investigations must be started against the rebel-groups concerning war-crimes and human rights violations against the Darfurian civilian population, So that justice in Darfur can be done Astrid Essed Statute of Rome: http://www.icc-cpi.int/library/about/officialjournal/Rome_Statute_120704... Press release Human Rights Watch http://www.hrw.org/english/docs/2008/07/14/sudan19335.htm http://hrw.org/english/docs/2008/07/18/sudan19400.htm http://www.hrw.org/doc?t=africa&c=darfur [1] http://www.icc-cpi.int/press/pressreleases/406.html [2] The Statute of Rome http://www.icc-cpi.int/library/about/officialjournal/Rome_Statute_Englis... [3] http://www.icc-cpi.int/library/about/officialjournal/Rome_Statute_Englis... [4] See article 5, 2, of the Rome Statute http://www.icc-cpi.int/library/about/officialjournal/Rome_Statute_Englis... [5] http://www.icc-cpi.int/library/about/officialjournal/Rome_Statute_Englis... http://hrw.org/campaigns/icc/qna.htm [6] http://hrw.org/english/docs/2008/07/14/sudan19335.htm [7] http://www.icc-cpi.int/about/ataglance/faq.html#faq4 [8] http://www.un.org/News/dh/sudan/com_inq_darfur.pdf and http://hrw.org/reports/2005/darfur1205/8.htm#_Toc121546243 and the complete Human Rights Watch report: http://hrw.org/reports/2005/darfur1205/ [9] http://hrw.org/reports/2005/darfur1205/8.htm#_Toc121546243 http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article8971 [10] The decree reads: Temporary Decree, People's Armed Forces Act 1986, Amendment 2005 This source is derived from: http://hrw.org/reports/2005/darfur1205/8.htm#_ftn190 See http://hrw.org/reports/2005/darfur1205/8.htm#_Toc121546243 [11] http://www.hrw.org/backgrounder/ij/sudan0606/ [12] http://hrw.org/english/docs/2007/02/23/darfur15402.htm [13] http://www.hrw.org/reports/ 2005/darfur1205/2.htm#_ Toc121546209 http://www.hrw.org/english/ docs/2004/05/05/darfur8536.htm http://hrw.org/englishwr2k8/ docs/2008/01/31/sudan17759.htm [14] http://www.hrw.org/reports/2004/sudan0504/appendixc.pdf http://www.hrw.org/english/ docs/2004/05/05/darfur8536.htm [15] http://www.hrw.org/english/ docs/2004/05/05/darfur8536.htm [16] http://www.hrw.org/reports/ 2004/sudan0404/3.htm#_ Toc68525371 [17] Promoting the Arab culture at the cost of the local African tribal culture and customs [18] http://www.hrw.org/reports/ 2004/sudan0404/3.htm#_ Toc68525371 [19] In contrary with Darfur, the conflict in Southern Sudan had a rstrong religious character and was also intensified by the oill company policy of expelling the native population from their homelands, with assistence of the Sudanese governmental troops and militia http://www.hrw.org/reports/ 2004/sudan0404/3.htm#_ Toc68525371 under 4: See http://www.hrw.org/reports/ 2004/sudan0404/3.htm#_ftn4 [20] Regarding oli-interests in the South: http://www.amnesty.org/en/ library/asset/AFR54/001/2000/ en/dom-AFR540012000en.html http://www.hrw.org/reports/ 2003/sudan1103/ [21] http://hrw.org/reports/2004/ sudan0504/4.htm#_Toc71531689 [22] http://hrw.org/reports/2004/ sudan0504/4.htm#_Toc71531689 [23] http://hrw.org/reports/2004/sudan0504/4.htm#_Toc71531689 and http://hrw.org/reports/2004/sudan0504/4.htm#_ftn9, under 9 [24] http://hrw.org/reports/2004/sudan0504/4.htm#_Toc71531689 [25] http://www.icrc.org/web/eng/siteeng0.nsf/htmlall/668BF8 [26] http://www.hrw.org/reports/2004/sudan0404/4.htm#_Toc68525375 http://www.hrw.org/reports/2004/sudan0404/4.htm#_ftn17 Journalists and members of humanitarian helporganisations were threatened and intimidated and the access of medicins and auxiliary goods for the civilian populations had been blocked by the Sudanese authorities [27] http://hrw.org/reports/2008/darfur0408/ [28] http://hrw.org/reports/2008/darfur0408/6.htm#_Toc194408679 [29] Etnical cleansing is the expulsion of a population out of their homeland or living area [30] http://www.hrw.org/english/docs/2004/07/19/darfur9096.htm Under one in underlying link is described: ''See among others, Human Rights Watch reports: Darfur in Flames: Atrocities in Western Sudan, Vol.16, No.5 (A), April 2004; Darfur Destroyed: Ethnic Cleansing by Government and Militia Forces in Western Sudan, Vol.16, No. 6(A), May 2004; Report of the High Commissioner on the Situation of Human Rights in the Darfur region of the Sudan, E/CN.4/2005/3, U.N. Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights, May 3, 2004; Darfur: Too Many People Killed for No Reason, Amnesty International, February 3, 2004. '' See underlying link: http://www.hrw.org/english/docs/2004/07/19/darfur9096.htm#1 under 1 is describes [31] http://www.hrw.org/reports/2005/darfur1205/2.htm#_Toc121546209 http://www.hrw.org/reports/2004/sudan0404/2.htm#_Toc68525358 http://www.hrw.org/reports/2004/sudan0504/9.htm#_Toc71531717 [32] http://www.hrw.org/reports/2004/sudan0404/2.htm#_Toc68525358 http://www.hrw.org/reports/2004/sudan0504/9.htm#_Toc71531717 [33] http://www.hrw.org/reports/2004/sudan0404/3.htm#_Toc68525373 http://hrw.org/backgrounder/africa/darfur0505/ http://www.hrw.org/english/docs/2004/05/05/darfur8536.htm [34] http://www.hrw.org/english/docs/2004/05/05/darfur8536.htm [35] http://www.hrw.org/english/docs/2004/05/05/darfur8536.htm http://www.hrw.org/backgrounder/africa/chad0206/ [36] http://hrw.org/englishwr2k8/docs/2008/01/31/sudan17759.htm [37] http://hrw.org/englishwr2k8/docs/2008/01/31/sudan17759.htm [38] http://hrw.org/reports/2007/sudan0907/ http://unamid.unmissions.org/Default.aspx?tabid=55&ctl=Details&mid=376&I... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_African_Union_Mission_in_Dar... [39] http://www.hrw.org/english/docs/2004/05/05/darfur8536.htm [40] http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/instree/k2crc.htm http://hrw.org/reports/2008/darfur0608/ [41] http://hrw.org/english/docs/2008/06/25/sudan19200.htm |
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