
Poorer Americans need world's court help!

Anonyme, Martes, Junio 17, 2008 - 19:26

Douglas Field


I hate to say it, but I do believe that this injustice that our US judicial system has been inflicting on the tens of thousands of our Middle Class and Working Poor Amercans (who are the least educated US prison inmates) with prolonged incarceration, is a very realistic human rights violation if not a crime against humanity issue.

The International World Court and United Nations should be investigating why only wealthy Americans are able to receive federal retrials using proper legal representation and US poorer prison inmates are forced to be their own best lawyers from prison and failing in mass at their opportunities for federal retrial reviews.

Our judicial system just recently released 360 men who spent 25 to 40 years being incarcerated for rapes they never committed! Had these judicial victims been given appeal attorneys for their federal appeal reviews, just maybe they might have been given retrials and not have had to wait until DNA evidence exonerated them decades later.

Until our judicial system becomes so perfected to always accurately charge and convict the right individuals with crimes,we all have to stay focused on preserving every legal opportunity for the truly innocent to be able to rise up and out of our cold hearted prison system that treats everyone in their grasp as guilty equals.

Please note
Michael Lessard...
Mié, 2008-06-18 09:45

I commend your struggle and values, but I don't think you should waste your time mentioning the International Criminal Court, since it cannot and never will launch it's own investigation of this kind on national matter (and even less the International Court of Justice).

Not only does it have to focus on many extreme cases of crimes of war and crimes of humanity, where ten of thousands of people have been slaughtered, the ICC can only interject or intervene against a nation if you first prove that all recourses have been exhausted in the USA and that American authorities have misconducted or misjudged the case.

Informally discuss the subject with jurists for fun, I think they'll tell you how it is very unrealistic to hope the ICC can ever intervene... But you could convince American and UN human rights agencies.

Michaël Lessard [me laisser un message]

Siriel-Média: média libre sur les 'politiques de destruction massive'

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