
Peru: Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal

Michael Lessard..., Lunes, Junio 16, 2008 - 09:02

(CENTRI, 21 May 2008)

From 13th to 16th of May, the bi-regional network Europe-Latin America and Carribean is convening a session of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) within the Peoples’ Summit Enlazando Alternativas.

Accused and judged before the Tribunal are European transnational companies in Latin America as well as the national and international mechanisms (financial, media, legal, etc.) and actors (the EU, the governments of its member states as well as the governments of Latin American countries, WTO, World Bank) which enable, legitimate and support the companies in their actions. With this Tribunal session, we are continuing and deepening the research of the PPT on the conflict between economic system and human rights.

The final resolution based on the accusations, evidence, documentation and the witnesses heard in the hearing – which was initiated in Lima in May 2006 and will continue in Lima – aims to expose the structural human rights violations committed by these companies, supported by the neoliberal system. Furthermore, we aim to advance in the search for alternatives that re-create the rights of peoples as opposed to companies’ rights.

Original article with more complete document:

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