Executive Signing Statements: Pharaoh Bush - Let My People GoAnonyme, Jueves, Mayo 29, 2008 - 18:43 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | "Anti-terrorisme"/Liberté | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Imperialism | Politiques & classes sociales)
Ann Ikemann
In a refreshing investigative series in the Boston Globe from 2006, journalist Charlie Savage dropped a bombshell on the Bush administration. Reporting on Bush’s use of signing statements, Savage highlighted the president’s long-standing contempt for legislative authority. Since then, the story has generally been overlooked, although it recently resurfaced when bush issued another statement that he would disregard Congress’s prohibition of permanent military bases in Iraq. The president’s issuance of this signing statement is just one of hundreds of challenges he’s made to national laws. A signing statement is an official announcement from the Executive - an attempt to alter the intent of a law by allowing the president to interpret its execution. While signing statements hold no official legal standing, the president acts as if they grant the power to disregard segments of bills he disagrees with. Since taking office, the Bush administration has issued over 150 signing statements , containing over 500 constitutional challenges and questioning more than 1,100 provisions of national laws. This is a significant increase from years past. Former presidents Ronald Regan, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton issued over 300 such statements combined, while only a total of 75 signing statements were issued from the early 1800s through the Carter presidency. Interpretive signing statements have received support for some legal scholars and officials associated with the administration, such as Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and John Yoo of the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Council. The American Bas Association, the ACLU, and other legal scholars, however, have challenged the signing statements as unconstitutional and a violation of the principles of checks and balances and separation of powers. In response to Bush’s circumvention of the military bases ban, Harvard law professor David Barron questioned the Administration for continuing to assert the same extremely aggressive conception of the president’s unilateral power to determine how and when U.S. force will be used abroad. Some Democrats in Congress have also challenged Bush’s assumption that he can unilaterally interpret laws outside their original intent. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi explains: I reject the notion in his signing statement that he can pick and choose which provisions of this law to execute. His job, under the constitution, is to faithfully execute the law - every part of it. And, I expect him to do just that. Sadly, there has been little sustained effort by the Legislative and Judicial branches to prohibit these attacks on the legal system. The few bills that have been presented in Congress seeking to prohibit signing statements have gone nowhere, ignored by the majority of Democrats and Republicans. The Supreme Court has also failed to rule on the constitutionality of the signing statements, contributing to the legal ambiguity surrounding Bush’s controversial actions. A few examples of Bush’s signing statements provide a better picture of his contempt for the law: 1. Regarding a bill requiring the Justice Department to provide reports to Congress on how the FBI has utilized the PATROIT Act to spy on citizens and confiscate property, Bush declared his power to withhold such information if he feels it would hurt national security in some way. 2. Concerning a law protecting whistleblowers at the Department of Energy and Nuclear Regulatory Commission from punishment, Bush claimed that it was within his power to determine whether potential whistleblow3rs are even allowed to provide information to Congress. 3. In response to a 2004 law preventing the U.S. from deploying troops in Colombia against FARC and FLN guerillas, Bush announced that only he, as the commander in chief, has the power to decide whether troops will be used, Bush deemed the law advisory in nature. 4. Although a law was passed requiring that scientific information prepared by government researchers and scientists shall be transmitted uncensored and without delay to congress, Bush issued a statement claiming it is within his power to withhold information if he feels it could damage U.S. national security, relations with foreign countries, or generally interfere with the operations of the Executive. 5. Perhaps most controversially, Bush issued a signing statement countering Congress’s prohibition on torture - included in the 2005 McCain Amendment - claiming that it was within his constitutional power to ignore the ban in order to combat terrorism. You have probably noticed a pattern with many of these statements. They do not simply establish presidential power to interpret or execute the law; they represent a fundamental abrogation of the major provisions of the bills themselves. Of what use is a bill prohibiting torture, if the ban can be bypassed by any president who does not feel bound to honor it? What is the point of prohibiting the deployment of troops to Colombia, if the president ignores this requirement? Rather than voting against a ban on torture, Bush has taken the back-door approach, signing the bill, then quietly issuing a statement that he will not be bound by the law. Not surprisingly, the medial response to Bush’s signing statements has been lacking. On the one hand, there are Savage’s investigative reports in the Boston Globe, which have shed light on the long-neglected story of presidential contempt for the law. On the other hand, researchers have found that the Globe’s reporting has been largely ignored in other major outlets. The watchdog group Media Matters for America concluded that: Except for a short March 24 2006 United Press International article, some scattered editorials and opinion columns, and brief mentions in an April 1 San Francisco Chronicle article and April 23 Washington Post article, Savage’s reporting on Bush’s signing statements and the Democratic response were ignored by major newspapers and wire services. Aside from Keith Olbermann, who reported on the Globs article on the March 24 edition of MSNBC’s Countdown, the cable and broadcast news networks ignored the signing statements as well. My own analysis also indicates mixed results in the Paper of Record. On the editorial side of the New York Times, the paper actually opposed the signing statements. In a 2008 editorial on the president’s circumvention of the military bases ban, the paper attacked the Administration for its passive-aggressive attempts to undermine the power of Congress, declaring that he has no intention of obeying laws he has signed. In a 2007 op-ed, Adam Cohen censured Bush for his de-facto veto of the torture ban - for using an extralegal trick to bypass the ban on torture. It allowed him to make a coward’s escape from the moral and legal responsibility of prohibiting such behavior. However, while the Administration has been issuing signing statements since it took office in early 2001, a review of the NYT’s coverage demonstrates that the topic did not even make an appearance in the paper until a full five years later, in January 2006. Overall, the paper has run only seven stories featuring the signing statements, in the just over seven years of the Bush administration’s tenure. Furthermore, six of those stories were clustered between January and July of 2007 when Republican Senator Arlen Specter was attacking the president for the statements and when the Senate was grilling Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito for his support for the statements. Only one other report from mid-2006 through early 2008 featured the signing statements issue, despite the continuing conflict between congress and Bush over his distaste for national laws. Whenever I teach the presidency section in my American government class each semester, many of my students become enraged when they find out about the Bush administration and the signing statements debacle. They are bewildered that a political leader could be allowed to blatantly disregard the law without being held politically accountable. While Bush’s contempt for the law my very well be an impeachable offense, it certainly has not been treated that way in Congress Pharaoh Bush - Let My People Go
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