
South Africa, Witwaterand Univ./Johannesburg: Application for urgently Assistance

Anonyme, Martes, Mayo 20, 2008 - 00:11



Please inform UNHCR/Pretoria to protect us a situation secreted to prepare against the foreigners students at the university of Witwaterands , about the attack against the foreigners in the town of Johannesburg , there is more than 600 foreigners students in totality in the university.

Following this unforeseen circumstance which is a disturbance major against the standards educational of UNESCO and the United Nations for the good continuity of our studies for the moment; this matter is a subject of a great academic and social insecurity which asks for an opening of an international protection for the good continuation of our studies in another country which to respect the international laws and protection of the foreigners, the refugees and asylums seekers (How have to study little well if our life and those of our family member's are in danger and without protection by the government in place).

Your assistance for the immediate opening of a voluntary international exit of the students is a good solution to save the life of multiple students without means of defenses in the town of Johannesburg, the life for foreigners is without value

Our greetings for humane measurement urgently.

At Witwaterand University/Johannesburg

Malebon Kasongo Mutanda
Tel:+27 732155308

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