
UK Supermarket Chain Bans Aspartame From Own-Label Products; Japanese Manufacturer Ajinomoto Sues!

Anonyme, Martes, Mayo 13, 2008 - 19:53

Stephen Fox

Can this company really be so monstrously stupid? World's largest manufactuer of two neurotoxic carcinogens, Aspartame & MSG, should accept responsibility for causing spike in Neurodegenerative Illnesses: Tumors, MS, ALS, Migraines, Seizures, all recognized by USA FDA on their list of 92 symptoms attributed to Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde!

Please share with friends and colleagues»»

Source: New Millennium Fine Art
May 13, 2008

Please share this with your friends, colleagues, and family. You are welcome to repost this anywhere and everywhere. We are not given to false starts, but this story shows a way, in due course, for the world to get rid of aspartame once and for all....a major tactical blunder on the part of the world's largest manufacturer of this poison. This Japanese corporation ought
to get some kind of aware for Stupidity, Corporate Hubris, and Idiotic Product Pride!

I look forward to your reply, particularly if you might like to help get at least a Resolution passed in your Provincial legislature asking the FDA Commissioner and the Minister of Health/Canada to rescind the approval for Aspartame, this deadly neurotoxic and carcinogenic artificial sweetener. Further, each state Attorney General could help to develop and participate in suits like the Tobacco suits in the 1990's against the Aspartame Manufacturers, suits that resulted in judgements of $235 billion.

Thank You, Merci Bien!

Stephen Fox, Managing Editor, Santa Fe Sun News
Founder, New Millennium Fine Art, Santa Fe Gallery since 1980
my own personal website

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