Between capitalism and Hors d'Oeuvre: misery and destructionAnonyme, Martes, Mayo 13, 2008 - 12:51 (Analyses | Culture | Ecologie | Economy | Politiques & classes sociales | Repression | Resistance & Activism)
D'un gnome communiste
Even if a part of the anarchist movement detaches itself to attack post-leftism, primitivism and whatever else they can't grasp, we know that the issues remain relevant. Hors-d'Oeuvre affirms that they are the enemy of those that are against progress. Progress? What's that? More industries, more technology, more territories colonized by capitalism... more destructive mediations in the relations between humans and life as a whole. It's the perpetuation and accentuation of bourgeois, western modernity that even unions defend when they don't leave the established frameworks of the market, commerce, speculation, productivism, alienated work, and life's surveillance by reason. HO shares the conservatism of institutions that made capitalism, even state-capitalism like marxism-leninism. If anarchism means to struggle against all forms of domination, HO in no way resembles an anarchist collective. Despite this, they claim to defend the correct line of the revolutionary movement, but their incoherence is obvious. Destruction of life, even self-managed, remains destruction, domination and authoritarian. Dogmatic both in their ends and in their means (attacks, wars for purity, intimidation vis a vis those of a different opinion...) HO is a legitimizing screen for what the system produces daily. Progress is an incontestable value for capitalism's vanguard. Same thing for HO! Is there a union of progressive forces of the right and left? The central contradiction between HO and capitalism remains just the means of management: hierarchical management or collective self-management of that which devastates. Same shit, as someone else might say! It's all just "de l'Ostie de marde" * to use the polemical, provocative name of a collective that HO vilifies. * "Host of fuckin' shit" to translate loosely. |
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