
Jews speak out against censorship at CEGEP

Anonyme, Miércoles, Abril 23, 2008 - 11:02

Independent Jewish Voices Montreal

Just shortly before it was to occur April 21st, a student conference by Comité d'action pour la lutte étudiante boulonnaise (CALEB) and Tadamon! on Israel and Palestine was abruptly cancelled by the CEGEP Bois-de-Boulogne This censorship of a most-needed discussion betrayed the fundamental principles of free speech and free association

An open letter signed by two dozen Jewish activists urging the CEGEP to allow the conference to proceed was sent to the school's administration early in the morning of the 21st, before a decision to prohibit the conference was taken. Unfortunately, it was to no avail.

We have been told that the CEGEP cancelled the conference to avoid being seen as possibly "anti-Jewish" -- a label frequently (mis)applied to those who permit criticism of Israel and of Canada's role in the Middle East. However, as was explained in the open letter, this kind of labeling is grossly mistaken. In fact, and paradoxically, cancelling the conference under pressure actually may itself reinforce anti-Jewish sentiment by suggesting that Jews are against free speech and seek to repress critics and control our public institutions.

Jews in Montréal, as elsewhere, have varied opinions on the issues of Israel and Palestine. And our public letter was meant to demonstrate some of this diversity and counter any stereotypical assumptions about any single Jewish "voice."

As an educational institution, CEGEP Bois-de-Boulogne undermines the foundations for a free society when it represses social action and open discussion of all issues. As concerned Jews, we urge the CEGEP and all other schools to uphold policies to affirm democratic principles that we should share - free speech and the right to organize. And also as concerned Jews: we were pleased to learn that despite the CEGEP's action, about seventy students did hold the conference, outside, in front of the school.


Members of the Independent Jewish Voices Montreal:
(affiliations are given for identification purposes only)

Abby Lippman, Professor, McGill University
Greg Robinson, Professeur, UQAM
Lesley Levey
Scott Weinstein
Carolyn Shaffer
Mira Khazzam
Eric Hamovitch
Elisabeth Marks
Bruce Katz, professor d'anglais

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