Hunger, 'Civil war' is a bloody, dirty, fearful businessfranzlee, Viernes, Abril 18, 2008 - 17:15
Franz J. T. Lee
By: Franz J. T. Lee In our wonderful, beautiful, glittering world of global high-tech, which finds itself in a severe capitalist crisis of overproduction, is the massive production of biofuels not a heinous "crime against humanity" (Jean Ziegler)? As a result, will not millions of pauperized human beings ... as 'collateral damage' ... now already vegetating in the South very soon starve to death, will die like flies? Should the United Nations not take the United States of America, that is, take itself to court, to The Hague, to answer for well-known capital and capitalist crimes perpetrated over the last centuries against humanity? For chattel slaves, toiling serfs and vegetating workers there is nothing beautiful, truthful and loving about capital and capitalism. As Marx pointed out, in a foot note of 'Capital' (Chapter 31), if according to Marie Augier (in "Du Crédit Public," Paris, 1842) money " 'comes into the world with a congenital blood-stain on one cheek,' capital comes dripping from head to foot, from every pore, with blood and dirt." We also know that the revolutionary struggle against capitalism, against ruling class politics and racist ideology, even the class struggle itself, are not jolly moments of going to World War I, of a petit-bourgeois week-end booze party or even of a consumerist Sunday afternoon window-shopping spree. The battle is merciless, for all contenders, 'civil war' is a bloody, dirty, fearful fight. On the crimson horizon dark clouds are already approaching us, coming from the Gulf of Venezuela. Our honeymoon is definitely coming to an end, and so do many ideological delusions and religious illusions. Hopefully, we know now what the 'plague' (Simon Bolivar) is all about. It is attacking us in our very own ranks. Our next door neighbor, Colombia. should be a lighthouse to warn us about that which should never ever happen in Venezuela. In globalization, in a period of accelerated destruction, also the French and North American revolutions are closing down, are ending. At the same time, a global, social revolution of the 21st century is becoming a real possibility, is a possible reality. It is not precisely that which our utopian socialist daydreams were all about, but, global socialism is in the air and so is its dialectical negation, world fascism, Nazi barbarism. Hence, also in Venezuela, as Marxists like Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Rosa Luxemburg have pointed out more than a century ago, we still have the free choice: either capitalist, imperialist barbarism or scientific, philosophic socialism. As we will see later, the age of food shortage, of physical barbarism has commenced already. The profound contradictions between the globalized economic and property relations and the dreadful forces of destruction are reaching the shores of Venezuela. Not only oil prices are sky-rocketing, also the food prices, inflation, hunger and misery. The ferocious global life and death class struggle against this merciless Draculian monstrosity is not an ethical or aesthetic issue. It is political, is military self-defense. In defense of world capitalism, North American troops are stationed in over 130 different countries and the USA maintains over 750 foreign bases. Surely, it is broke, but a powerful parasite, armed to the teeth, has no scruples, it is not a 'paper tiger'. It only seems that it can no longer defend its global empire, its patriotic homeland. Beware! It possesses mighty electro-magnetic technology that could cut planets into halves, or could move them out of their orbits. Its enormous arsenal of mortal arms of mass destruction can blow this planet to and into blazes. Surely, capitalism has always been a mode of self-destruction, of destroying body and soul, of praxis and theory. As Frantz Omar Fanon, Ernesto Che Guevara, Georges Sorel, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, George Orwell and others have underlined in word and deed, also for us phenomena like the current so-called asymmetric 'war of ideas', 'full spectrum dominance', 'military humanism' and global mind and thought control are clear cut cases of virulent terrorism, of State violence, of genocide by social order. In fact, for all conscious workers, who still can act and think, this is a matter of emancipatory counter-violence, of permanent revolutionary working class struggle. The opposite of world capitalist violence is not 'world peace', ... which ruling class ideology so profoundly has drilled into our colonized brains ... its dialectical negation is simply continental freedom, is definitely global emancipation. Now a central compound question. In Venezuela, after nearly a decade of fiery socialist revolutionary construction in spe and of popular democratic reconstruction in re, supported by exorbitantly high oil prices, why did the Venezuelan middle classes ... especially those leaders who oppose President Chavez' constitutional reform endeavors ... become so wealthy by leaps and bounds, are driving the latest sleek car models, which are causing huge traffic jams across the country, and why are millions, the lower working classes improving their life conditions only at snail pace? Unless some of us missed something very important, it is really high time to decide seriously our quo vadis, and to choose a constant straight direction, if not, Uncle Sam will do it for us in the immediate future. Fortified by an immense national income, why the insurgent current inflation and why the high prices for food stuffs? Is our socialist revolution becoming too wealthy? What is happening on a global scale? Let us spotlight the current problem concerning high world prices for necessary food items. Recently BBC News informs us about the "Rising world food prices". What is this all about? Precisely the global unemployed and sub-employed paupers and pariahs respectively live by wheat, rice and maize alone. Currently, lacking foreign exchange, moaning for food, in Haiti, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and elsewhere, they are condemned to dire need, to mass starvation: "The price of wheat, rice and maize have nearly doubled in This is not a current problem, for decades Africans are starving, are dying because of hunger. The high food prices is world news, because ... in 'scape-goat' demagogic fascist style ... it distracts from the real burning global issues, from the existence of a huge world depression, from the destruction of the ozone layer, from the melting of the polar ice, setting free toxic methane gas, and from the crash of the US dollar and hence of US world hegemony. Ironically, inter alia, it was El País (España) which 'informed' us about this pharisaic deep concern of the Yankee controlled United Nations, of the bankrupt International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, for the coming global food disaster, for the ordeal of the poorest of the poor, for the "wretched of the earth". How strange! Hunger and famine in a global crisis of over-production. What a perverse, dehumanizing, capitalist system! Like in 1929, when the USA was practically burning wheat in its locomotives, de facto there is enough food on a world scale to feed hundreds of millions more. However, in the epoch of globalization, of the 'Life Sciences', of the realization of capitalism, to stoke the imperialist war Moloch, dominant world production now barely produces real use values, real nutritive, healthy food, it is moving from exchange values, from the accumulation of money and capital towards lethal bits and fatal bytes, towards the production of mortal human chips, of brainless autistic zombies and Pavlov-dogs, of half-men half-machines, of god-men and men-gods. Global production, the world market has become more bellicose than ever. In a nut-shell, we are already living in the epoch of the manufacturing of huge weapons of mass destruction of nature and of man himself, of mind and thought control centers and laboratories, of brain-washing mechanisms and brain-laundering machinations. Instead of food production, the USA currently is planning to produce biofuels en masse. By 2010, its ethanol production will probably account for about 30% of its corn crop production. This genetically engineered crop definitely will not be quite suitable for healthy human or animal consumption anymore. What could be more myopic, more perverse than this? It is no wonder that the food prices for maize and corn are rising! About all this the North American public should not be informed. In fact, who does this is forever a marked person. The American people should simply vest their daily interests, their trust, in the White House, in the US dollar, in God. However, as already envisaged, especially by the huge international mass media, in front of our very eyes relentlessly a mammoth Orwellian mental holocaust (already described by Plato, Maquiavelli, Hobbes and Aldous Huxley) is being launched. Long ago feudal religion and capitalist education and other socialization processes have already constructed the logical and ideological foundations for the Conquest, pacification and control of the human mind. Furthermore, instead of feeding the human species, of caring for its mother, its matrix, now even Nature has been converted from a food creator into a catastrophic source of geophysical belligerent weapons. As a result of current space occupation, militarization and colonization, the earth itself is being neglected and destroyed, it is gradually disappearing out of the economic macro- and micro-cosmic vista of megalomaniac Big Brother. Already now natural weather, floods, hurricanes, volcanoes, droughts and earthquakes are being produced artificially, modified, directed and used for military purposes by the NASA, the Pentagon or NATO, even against the so-called terrorist "axis of evil" in the world. And, in the last analysis, who or what causes the high prices for food? Of course, the biggest culprits are the world majority, the billions of poor themselves. They simply have too much sex, they reproduce themselves like rabbits and rats and thus by 2050 nine billion will endanger the whole world capitalist economy. Applying this kind of formal ruling class logic, obviously we could argue that nuclear wars could get rid of global poverty very effectively. In this way we could have stabilized food prices again, and thus resolve the problem of chaotic economic over-production and workers' 'irrational' over-reproduction, that is, the "environmental pressure all these extra people are loading onto the planet". On second thought, the BBC did mention some of the real causes for the current food production fiasco: "There is also the added environmental pressure all these extra people are loading onto the planet, as well as the impact of climate change. Desertification is accelerating in China and sub-Saharan Africa, while more frequent flooding and changing patterns of rainfall are already beginning to have a significant impact on agricultural production. And global warming has played a significant role in another driver of rising prices: the shift in agricultural production from food to biofuels." Yes, let us modernize the 'Ancient Mariner', soon we will reach the stage of: Food, food, biofuel everywhere, not a crumb to eat! http://www.franzlee.org/index2.html For original sources of quotations, see: |
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