CANSEC 2008 Opening Night Shut Down!Anonyme, Martes, Abril 8, 2008 - 22:09 (Analyses | Guerre / War) On Tuesday evening, Ottawa anarchists succeeded in shutting down the opening night of Canada's largest arms fair! Tuxedoed corporate war profiteers and their government backers were forced to flee the Congress Centre tonight as alarms sounded, fire trucks were called, and police searched in vain for the nefarious anarchists that shut down the opening night of CANSEC 2008, Canada's largest arms fair. Even the multi-million dollar surveillance and security technologies on display, the presence of uniformed police, and the assertion by security forces that they had been gathering extensive 'intelligence' on CANSEC resistance could prevent a group of Ottawa anarchists from infiltrating the event and simply pulling a fire alarm. CANSEC 2008 is the nation's largest arms fair, and brings together war profiteers, government repsentatives, and private buyers to drool over the latest in military, surveillance, and security technology. CANSEC represents the reality of Canada's foreign and domestic polices - we are world leaders in death, mutliation, war and occuption. This action was taken in response to PGA Bloc Ottawa's call for autonomous actions to disrupt the arms fair, and in support of the PGA Hallmarks. Plus, we really, really liked their CANSEC video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Udxk9QExKY We hope tonight's shut down will merely mark the start of two days of active resistance to CANSEC 2008. FROM KANDAHAR TO PALESTINE, OCCUPATION IS A CRIME! For more info on CANSEC resistance, visit pga.roadnetwork.org |
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