CBC: Canadian UN Officer Reported Israeli War Crimes Before Attack: WidowAnonyme, Lunes, Abril 7, 2008 - 21:14
Harper Is A Traitor
This is what the police would refer to as 'an open and shut case', yet the Harper Regime, which has closely aligned itself with Zionist Extremism and its colonial, military state in Palestine, refuses to seek justice for this Canadian soldier, murdered for telling the truth. All while Harper claims to "support the troops" in order to perpetuate their continued death in Afghanistan. Cynthia Hess-von Kruedener said she believes her husband, Paeta, and three other UN observers were specifically targeted when their post was bombed by Israel. Cynthia Hess-von Kruedener said she believes her husband, Paeta, and three other UN observers were specifically targeted when their post was bombed by Israel. UN officer reported Israeli war crimes before deadly bombing: widow CBC News |
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