Indiana: Call for long-termers to work against I-69 (Canada, USA, Mexico)Anonyme, Jueves, Abril 3, 2008 - 12:42 Getting Ready for Action Against I-69! Its been a three weeks since clearing officially began for the NAFTA Superhighway, I-69. Trees have been felled in the first two miles (out of 142) of the route, and three out of the four homes (out of 400) which had already been seized by the Department of Transportation were demolished this week. Security is posted around the clearing sites, reflecting the state's fear of the wrath of local communities threatened by the road. About : I-69 is a NAFTA superhighway, already constructed from Canada to Indianapolis and projected to extend down into Mexico. This highway is intended for the mass transportation of goods and resources, to further exploit workers and the land, and to lessen companies’ accountability in terms of human and environmental rights. In 2008, they intend to begin construction of this road through southwestern Indiana, evicting hundreds of rural families, destroying hundreds of acres of land, and devastating the habitats of countless species of animals, many of them already endangered. And importantly, the Department of Transportation finished accepting bids for the construction of the first two miles today, April 2. So within the next weeks, the contracts for initial construction will be in place. Meanwhile, in Bloomington and Evansville, and across Indiana, dedicated people are working to mobilize our communities to shut this road project down. The next big round of actions is already being planned for April and May, while community organizing is being stepped up to plug as many people as possible into resistance at this critical time. Know that as clearing is stepped up, as the enemy prepares to bring in bulldozers, woodchippers, and pavers, we will be sending out a general call to action. If you have been involved in I-69 resistance over the past decade, if you've seen a presentation on it, or are too angry to let one more destructive project slide by, please be ready to heed that call sometime in the next two months. Specific days of action and convergence will be announced in the near future. In the meantime, if you have a couple free months and are familiar with this struggle, consider long-terming with us starting soon -- we need help with a dozen different projects right now. If you want to think about this option, please write us and be in touch so that we can figure out if there's a way for you to plug in here. Current projects in need of assistance include working with landowners along the route, producing counter-information for both local and regional distribution, outreach for mobilizations and actions over the next months (including touring if you have the itch to travel), documentation of clearing, logistics preparation, organizing for action camps and long-distance marches, and more. And this is even before we start talking about direct action against the road! Also remember that we welcome solidarity actions and autonomous contributions to this struggle. If you want to send us any news, we will do our best to post it to the website and otherwise distribute it. We hope to see you soon in the forests and fields of southwest Indiana. Make sure you're here before they're all paved. In defense of the wild, road...@yahoo.com Please forward widely. [ EDIT (Mic pour le CMAQ) |
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