
Status for All! March for immigrant justice in Côte-des-Neiges

Anonyme, Lunes, Marzo 24, 2008 - 22:19

Solidarity Across Borders

A march for immigrant justice,
and against poverty, racism & racial profiling

SUNDAY, MAY 4th, 12:30pm
Starting Point: Corner of Victoria & Van Horne
(metro Plamondon, sortie Van Horne)

This is a child-friendly demonstration.
Food and drinks will be available.
There will be vehicles on-hand for those with reduced mobility.

As part of a National Day of Action for immigrant rights, Solidarity Across Borders is again taking to the streets, with our allies, to demand justice and dignity for all migrants. In opposition to deportations and detentions, we demand STATUS FOR ALL! There is no such thing as an "illegal" human being, only illegitimate laws and governments.

Daily, we resist deportations and detentions, we fight for justice in the workplace, we demand safe and secure housing, and we oppose racism and racial profiling. In contrast to the xenophobia promoted by the false "reasonable accommodation" debate in Quebec, we take to the streets to celebrate our collective struggles for justice and dignity in all its diversity and strength.

This year, we march through the streets of Cote-des-Neiges, a predominantly poor, working class and immigrant neighbourhood. Our march will mark the culmination of "Mayworks!", a festival of working class and immigrant culture, organized by the Immigrant Workers Center (IWC). Our march is also part of the Mayday tradition, as we celebrate the struggles of working people locally and throughout the world.

Join us -- with your friends, family, co-workers and neighbours -- on Sunday, May 4, and add your voice and presence to the growing numbers of people in Montreal and beyond who are demanding "STATUS FOR ALL!"

Immigrant rights are workers rights! No borders, no nations, stop the deportations!

INFO: – 514-848-7583 –

For background to previous migrant justice marches in Montreal (2003-2007), visit:


We encourage your group and organization to endorse the May 4 "STATUS FOR ALL" demonstration, and to mobilize within your networks. If you endorse the demonstration, please let us know at or 514-848-7583.

We also encourage you to announce the demonstration on your e-mail lists, blogs and websites, and at your meetings and events. If you would like to invite someone from Solidarity Across Borders to address your group, please get in touch! We can offer presentations about issues concerning migration, poverty and racism, ranging from 10 minutes to full 2-hour workshops.

If you need flyers and posters to mobilize within your networks, get in touch as well.


We encourage you to get involved in the organizing of the May 4 "STATUS FOR ALL" march and demonstration. We have an active OUTREACH committee that is meeting people door-to-door in the Cote-des-Neiges area, as well as actively flyering and postering throughout Montreal. As well, we have an ART committee that will be creating images and banners to carry our message during the demonstration. To get involved, e-mail or phone 514-848-7583.


You can also support our efforts with a donation; whether $20, $50, $100 or more, your donation will help us meet our expenses. If you can donate, please make a cheque out to "Solidarité sans frontières" and send to the address below. Alternatively, to arrange cash donations, just contact us by e-mail or phone.

Cheques can be sent to:
Soldiarité sans frontières
c/o QPIRG-Concordia
1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, #204

MAY 1st

Solidarity Across Borders is also endorsing the Anti-Capitalist Mayday demonstration, and encourages our allies to attend: Thursday, May 1st, 6pm, Corner of Ontario and Valois (metro Joliette). Info:

INFO: – 514-848-7583 -

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