New Security Certificates : Act Now by Writing to the MediaAnonyme, Domingo, Febrero 24, 2008 - 13:26
Coalition Justice for Adil Charkaoui
Below: Act Now by Writing to the Media: Oppose New Security Certificate Please write letters to the editor, post online, or call in to radio shows into the various media outlets that are covering the introduction of the new security certificate. We strongly urge and stress to supporters the importance of voicing your opinion on this issue and adding your thoughts to the debate. Although it may seem futile given the biases that have been clearly stated by various media outlets, it is still absolutely crucial for us to enter this public debate and discourse at this time. Media contact information: www.adilinfo.org/en/node/347 Analysis of C-3: www.adilinfo.org/en/node/232 Audio: No new security certificates! On Thursday, 21 February, the Coalition Justice for Adil Charkaoui organized a press conference to condemn the new law and call on the government to not issue new certificates against Charkaoui and the other detainees. Warren Allmand (International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group), Adil Charkaoui, Gaétan Châteauneuf (Conseil central de Montréal - CSN), Johanne Doyon (who brought the constitutional challenge to the Supreme Court), Salam Elmenyawi (Muslim Council of Montreal), Mostafa Henaway (Immigrant Workers Centre), and Marie-Ève Lamy (Coalition Justice for Adil Charkaoui) all spoke. Audio from press conference: www.adilinfo.org/en/node/344 Press Release, "Groups call on government not to renew security certificates": www.adilinfo.org/en/node/339 Press Release: Charkaoui responds to new certificate Montreal, 22 February 2008 -- Mr. Charkaoui categorically denies the allegations made against him in the context of the new security certificate that was issued against him today. As he has consistently requested for the past five years, Charkaoui asks for a meaningful opportunity to clear his name of precise and defined charges in the context of a fair and open trial. Continue reading release: www.adilinfo.org/en/node/339 Background on Charkaoui case: www.adilinfo.org/en/node/324 |
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