
2 years later, still no Justice for Anas! Vigil Saturday december 1st, 2007

COBP, Martes, Noviembre 27, 2007 - 03:30

The Collective Opposed to Police Brutality (COBP)

On December 1st 2005, at 7:20am, officers Roy and Bernier from station 25 killed Mohamed Anas Bennis, by shooting him with 2 bullets, of which one in the heart. To this day, we still don't know why. Prosecutor James Rondeau announced on November 4th 2006 that there will be no accusations against the two policemen involved in Anas' death. As for the minister of Public Security of Quebec, Jacques Dupuis, he has refused to open a public inquiry about this killing, which has been asked for by the family and many other concerned groups and individuals.

On December 1st 2007, join us to denounce; especially agents from station 25 and those involved in Project Advance who have systematically harassed and brutalized young Blacks and Filipinos in Côte-des-Neige this summer, always defended by their commander Simonetta Barth. Also bearing in mind all the accomplices of police brutality and impunity: police unions, politicians, coroners, prosecutors and judges who protect killer police agents and guarantee them impunity.

On December 1st 2005, at 7:20am, officers Roy and Bernier from station 25 killed Mohamed Anas Bennis, by shooting him with 2 bullets, of which one in the heart. To this day, we still don't know why. Prosecutor James Rondeau announced on November 4th 2006 that there will be no accusations against the two policemen involved in Anas' death. As for the minister of Public Security of Quebec, Jacques Dupuis, he has refused to open a public inquiry about this killing, which has been asked for by the family and many other concerned groups and individuals. Furthermore, the ministry of Public Security announced in 2007 that it had no intention of changing the actual law about cases where people die or are severely wounded by the police, which makes police agents investigate fellow agents, and in these cases protect one another. This law contributes enormously to police impunity, which makes police agents act as if they had every right because the ones who kill and wound are almost never accused or punished.

Since Anas' tragic death, the police of Montreal (SPVM) has killed at least 4 people with impunity. On the morning of October 16 2006, a 53-year-old man whom we don't know the name died after having a "heart failure" as he was being arrested by agents from station 20 who suspected him of fraud. On the night of November 30th 2006, Daniel Vanier, a 42-year-old man, died after allegedly stabbing himself several times without the police agents being able to prevent him, following a robbery in a corner store in Lachine. On the morning of July 9th 2007, Vianney Charest, a 51-year-old man, was killed by 2 bullets shot by police agents who suspected him of robbery in a motel in Montreal-North, they pretended that Charest dashed for them with a kitchen knife in hand. On the night of October 18th 2007, Quilem Registre, a 39-year-old Black man, died after receiving up to 6 Taser electrical discharges from police officers who wanted to arrest him for hitting parked cars with his.

The COBP documented 42 cases of deaths by the SPVM between 1987 and 2007. The ministry of Public Security itself admits 53 people have been killed and 29 others severely wounded by the police in Quebec between 2005 and the summer of 2007 (just a year and a half!). The police consistently try to hide what really happens, and makes the victims pass as criminals, an attacker and then a culpable, so that police agents are never accused or punished
In Canada, police officers have killed 17 people with Taser use since 2003. In the United States and Canada, cases of deaths with Tasers reach 302 (Source: ). In spite of this, police corps and police unions still deny that there is a link between all these deaths and Taser use, arguing that the only alternative would be the revolver (?!). Claude Dauphin of the city of Montreal has stated "I'm convinced that the Taser gun is already used with cautiousness, but it could be even more". The RCMP agents who killed Robert Dziekanski in the Vancouver airport last October 18 with two taser shocks have just returned to work, and we ignore everything of those who killed Registre that same day. As to provincial ministers of Justice, they still stand up for Taser use, a torture instrument which kills while the company Taser International increase their profits, pretending Tasers "save lives"?!

On December 1st 2007, join us to denounce; especially agents from station 25 and those involved in Project Advance who have systematically harassed and brutalized young Blacks and Filipinos in Côte-des-Neige this summer, always defended by their commander Simonetta Barth. Also bearing in mind all the accomplices of police brutality and impunity: police unions, politicians, coroners, prosecutors and judges who protect killer police agents and guarantee them impunity.

In the United States, where the number of victims of police killings has reached 2000 since the 90's, people involved in the Hip Hop movement launched the Cease Fire: Stop Police Terrorism* campaign. From November 21st to November 25th 2007, they are planning 5 days of resistance to police brutality, in memory, among others, of Kathryn Johnston, a 92-year-old grandmother shot dead in her house by plainclothes officers of the Atlanta police on November 21st 2006, and of Sean Bell, a young Black man aged 23 shot dead on the morning of his wedding by NYPD agents who shot 50 bullets at him and his friends on November 25th 2006 only because they had hit their car.

We demonstrate also in solidarity of victims of killings here and everywhere around the world.

We want dignity, justice and truth, not police harassment, killings and impunity!

The Collective Opposed to Police Brutality (COBP) 514-859-9065

*Infos about the Cease Fire: Stop Police Terrorism campaign
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