Russia vs Robbersforpressfound, Jueves, Noviembre 22, 2007 - 05:50
Henk Ruyssenaars
Russian president Putin strongly attacks the multinational jackals: the battle against the New World Order may be decided in Moscow. Putin and his people want to avoid the oligarchy becoming the central actor in world politics and warned in a totally correct comment on their regime: "They will again cheat everyone." THE BUSH FAMILY’S CARLYLE GROUP IS INVOLVED FPF Europe - 22 November 2007 - In a very frank speech Russian president Vladimir Putin urges the Russians, and other people concerned, not to trust the global oligarchs which he called the 'jackals', and which are now again attacking Russian power and profit in full force. According to a story by the Russian information agency Itar-Tass, president Putin warned the people to definitely not trust the 'jackals', the politicians and others, who had shattered the country in the 1990s. ''The oligarchs are eager to regain power and to restore the oligarchic regime with foreign help, he said.'' Describing the social and economic situation in Russia at present, sternly warning that those 'jackals deceive and rob the people'.* He said the - according to the BBC* pre-dominantly jewish oligarchs: ''will go on committing their shady deals, and again try to be waxing rich on our account.'' PERKINS THE OLIGARCHIC JACKALS ARE C.I.A.-SANCTIONED PEOPLE Probably president Putin also was referring to 'whistle blower' John Perkins, the economic 'hit man' for the oligarchs and multinational's economical killers. Perkins perfectly describes in his book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man* how the multinational predators and oligarchs use 'globalization' to cheat poor countries out of trillions, by lending them, for instance via the by them also owned IMF or Worldbank, more money than they could possibly ever repay, and then take over their economies. Perkins: "When the economic 'hit men' fail in this scenario, the next step is what we call the jackals. Jackals are C.I.A.-sanctioned people that come in and try to foment a coup or revolution. If that doesn't work, they perform assassinations. or try to." It is those oligarchs, killing for power and profit, which Putin spoke about, when he (excerpts) said "that he could not accept the criticism of those who had robbed and toppled the country in the 1990s. There should be no illusions: they are itching for revenge, are eager to come back to power, to the spheres of influence, and to gradually restore the oligarchic regime, based on corruption and deceit," he stressed. The foreign business robbers in the Yeltsin era kept their puppet 'president' permanently drunk, and had him sign away anything the oligarchs wanted. The whole wealth of the Russian people and country was looted - as the BBC explained - by a small group of pre-dominantly Israeli or double nationality citizens. Many are, but some also only claim to be 'jewish', to be able to hide behind the fake accusation of 'anti semitism'* when they get criticism for their global frauds. All Arabs, Lebanese or Palestinians for instance, are Semites. But, the oligarchs made a mistake, allowing former KGB secret service boss Putin into the corridors of power. In August 1999, he was appointed Prime Minister, and on December 31, 1999, he became acting President. Following March 26, 2000, he was elected President of Russia and was inaugurated as President on May 7, 2000. That turned out to be the beginning of a new Russian Empire, and a huge financial 'blowback' for the oligarchs in Russia, of which their 'sayanim' and #1 robber, energy giant's Yukos chairman Michael Khodorkovsky, immediately was jailed. And still is. LOOTING THE ENTIRE RUSSIAN ECONOMY According to an article in April 2004, by veteran British military analyst Joseph Vialls, the YUKOS swindle was the result of a "loans for shares" deal brokered through the semi-coherent (drunk) Boris Yeltsin in 1995. Vialls: "Here, the 'liberal' Russian government swapped loyalty from the oligarchs in exchange for privatization at prices far below that of the market. This $40 billion giant was bought for about $300 million, thus looting the entire Russian economy for the benefit of a handful of Israeli citizens living in Russia. When YUKOS’s chair-oligarch, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, was arrested in 2004, the US/UK capitalist establishment went orbital. Forgetting the 1999 New York Times’s expose on massive money laundering and fraud [by the oligarchs] from YUKOS, the conservative establishment began to lionize oligarchy and, specifically, Khodorkovsky. The Financial Times weighed in with a giggly piece from Chrystia Freeland, which referred to the oligarch as a "democratic activist." About a paragraph later, the writer said—without irony—that the oligarch’s model for economics is the robber baron factories of the early American 20th century. Fox News, on Nov. 3 2004, referred to YUKOS as the most progressive corporation in Russia." YUKOS SHARES: 'LORD' JACOB ROTHSCHILD, THE CIA AND SOROS According to a Nov. 3, 2004 Agence France Presse story, Khodorkovsky made a deal with Jacob Rothschild that control of the YUKOS giant would pass to Rothschild in the event of Khodorkovsky’s arrest. However, the Russian government froze all YUKOS assets for the time being. And Putin and his people than started to wrestle also the energy sector out of the robber's hands. The Open Russia Foundation, which is supposed to belong to CIA 'old hand' and jewish billionaire Soros - [http://tinyurl.com/27vn6w] - according to Vialls, ''is completely controlled by Rothschild. The Open Russia Foundation board of trustees includes Rothschild and Henry Kissinger. The Washington, D.C. launch of the organization included Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) and Librarian of Congress James Billington, one of the leading voices against Russian traditionalism in the academic establishment. It seems that the drive to control the globe’s energy is progressing. The American empire’s battles in Serbia, Central Asia, Iraq and Chechnya are one and the same war. Other than fighting Israel’s enemies, these adventures are also wars to control Central Asian oil and natural gas (one of the main pipelines from the Caspian Sea went straight through Serbia). The control of this wealth by the United States and Israel necessitates bypassing Russian channels. This means that the Jewish oligarchy in Russia would become the central actor in world politics." Vialls wrote. And that's exactly what president Putin warned for, concerning those sly jackals, the oligarchs again trying to steal Russia's wealth and power: "They are lying today, too, but they will never do nothing for the benefit of anybody," the president is sure. "They can yet be expected to turn out into the streets: they have learned from western specialists how this could be done, have undergone training in some neighbouring republics, and will now try to do it in our country, too" Putin said, adding, "But nothing will come of it." Putin here means the turf war for power and profit by the US/UK war machine's cannon fodder and heavily armed so called 'UN peace keepers' - fighting for the US/UK junta's oligarchs interest (profits) in the countries surrounding Russia, in Africa, Burma, Latin America etc. Fighting the 'Russian Bear' and 'Chinese Dragon' in all natural resources (and drug) rich countries. Where the multinational financial cartel as always uses the CIA or its sister 'gofer' National Endowment for Democracy, NED, and preferably tax money, to put CIA puppets up front. WHERE THE CIA GOES, MOSSAD GOES AS WELL It needs to be reiterated that where the CIA goes, Mossad goes as well. Israeli and American interests have come together in the dominance of the Central Asian region and therefore, so have liberal ideology, the Beltway set, neo-conservatism, Ivy League eggheads, Christian Zionism, the Rothschilds and the American (and major global) media. Afghanistan through the Caspian Sea through to Georgia, Azerbaijan and into the Balkans (not to mention pipelines leading to oil-hungry China), have become one single theater of war over trillions of dollars in oil and gas wealth, incorporating every single power center in global politics. The battle against the New World Order is being decided in Moscow. It seems that the drive to control the globe’s energy is progressing. The American empire’s battles in Serbia, Central Asia, Iraq and Chechnya are one and the same war. Other than fighting Israel’s enemies, these adventures are also wars to control Central Asian oil and natural gas (one of the main pipelines from the Caspian Sea went straight through Serbia). The control of this wealth by the US/UK and Israel, necessitates controlling the Russian channels. The Israeli/CIA complex was using Khodorkovsky to sell off the assets of YUKOS to Exxon/Mobil (as well as a smaller piece to Texaco), hence bringing Russia’s pipelines into the hands of the western powers. The Nov. 5, 2004 New York Times article also indicated that the Bush family’s Carlyle Group was involved. It was not long after Putin began threatening the YUKOS conglomerate that neo-conservative pundits such as William Kristol and Ariel Cohen began calling Putin a ''communist,'' ''another Stalin'' and ''tyrannical.'' And all collaborating US/UK junta's media in the whole world demonize Putin and Russia now, as those propagandists have been told to do. The basis of these wild accusations, of course, is the fact that Putin and his Russia stand in the way of US/UK Zionist domination. Their multinationals want to get as much as is possible of the huge profit of the Russian economy, and therefore the oligarchs' jackals attack again. The reality being that the US/UK financial cartel wants hegemony, and wants to become the central actor in world politics. And, as Putin warned yesterday concerning the oligarchs: "They will again cheat everyone." THE COLD WAR IS GETTING VERY HOT. HENK RUYSSENAARS * WHY THE US/UK FINANCIAL CARTEL AND THEIR OLIGARCHS WANT A NEW WORLD ORDER FOR THEIR PROFIT AND POWER - THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT AND SHOULD BE READ CAREFULLY, BECAUSE THIS IS YOUR WORLD TOO: Speech at the Munich Conference on Security Policy by Russian President Vladimir Putin - February 11, 2007, Munich - Url.: http://www.kremlin.ru/eng/text/speeches/2007/02/11/0138_type82914type847... * THE USE OF THE PHRASE 'ANTI SEMITISM' IS PURE NONSENSE - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y8fwhf * NOW, WHERE DOES ALL THIS STOLEN WEALTH GO? Who controls global monetary affairs? The BIS! Based in Basle, Switzerland, the BIS is central bank to central banks. The BIS has greater immunity than a sovereign nation, is accountable to no one, runs global monetary affairs and is privately owned. This is a must-read report to understand the globalization process. - Url.: http://www.augustreview.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7&... * Putin urges not to trust advocates of oligarchic regime - Url.: http://www.itar-tass.com/eng/level2.html?NewsID=12095929&PageNum=0 * BBC: Russia's business oligarchs - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ytrsks * JACKALS FOR THE US/UK OLIGARCHS - IMF/WORLD BANK ETC. JOHN PERKINS - http://www.apfn.net/Messageboard/03-17-05/discussion.cgi.30.html * WHERE DOES ALL THE WEALTH GO? There is no law nor court anywhere in this world which can stop them. They are the 'untouchables' and are listed here at the 'BIS' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yj7p5b * PUTIN CONFIRMS: WAR IS A RACKET - by Two-Time Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient: Major General Smedley D. Butler, USMC [Retired] - Url.: http://www.lexrex.com/enlightened/articles/warisaracket.htm * THE GLOBALLY INFAMOUS WAR CRIMINAL & BAD GENIUS, HENRY KISSINGER, THE ADVISER OF THE US/UK WAR MACHINE, REFERRED TO MILITARY MEN AS: "DUMB, STUPID ANIMALS TO BE USED" AS PAWNS FOR FOREIGN POLICY." SOURCE - Url.: http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2003/06/266114.shtml * WHY U.S. AMERICANS (AND MANY IN OTHER COUNTRIES) WILL BELIEVE ALMOST ANYTHING THEIR 'GOVERNMENT' AND PROPAGANDA MEDIA TELL THEM - Url.: http://www.rense.com/general78/believe.htm * THE GLOBAL ELITE: WHO ARE THEY? - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2y5854 * AMERICA (PLUS THE EUROPEAN UNION, AFRICA, LATIN AMERICA, JAPAN ETC. ETC.) PLUNDERED BY THE GLOBAL ELITE - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2gfynw * OLIGARCHS: PULITZER PRIZE FOR A HOLOCAUST DENIER - Url.: http://www.cemab.be/print.php?id=1360 * THE STATE OF OUR WORLD IN RELATED LINKS - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2ncumy * IT'S DANGEROUS TO BE RIGHT, WHEN YOUR GOVERNMENT IS WRONG. - VOLTAIRE * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3z3r6 FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION -0-
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