
Philippine workers vs Wal-Mart

Michael Lessard..., Miércoles, Octubre 17, 2007 - 22:44
2007-10-20 12:00

1 pm - Saturday, October 20, 2007
FAMAS community centre - 4708 Van Horne (Metro Plamondon)

a public forum on the high cost of low prices

Featured Guest Speaker:

Arnel Salvador -- Deputy Executive Director
Workers Assistance Center, Cavite, Philippines

organized by the Centre d'appui aux Philippines - Centre for Philippine Concerns
in collaboration with Filipino Association of Montreal and Suburbs (FAMAS)

Mr. Salvador, a long time human and labour rights advocate, will be presenting the situation on the ground in a Cavite export processing/free trade zone and the struggles of the thousands of Filipino workers for their right to organize. Mr. Salvador will also report on the crackdown of management, security, police and military elements on the workers of Chong Won factory (a supplier of Wal-Mart). The repression is happening within the context of the Arroyo regime's unjust war against "those who terrorize foreign industries" operating in the Philippines.

For more information please contact Sid de Guzman of the Centre for Philippine Concerns:
514-735-8012 or email capcpc[AT]

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