
Basic positions of Montreal International Communists

Anonyme, Domingo, Septiembre 9, 2007 - 09:44

It is important to point out that the political positions adopted by the Montreal Internationalist Communists represent only a basic summary in light of thorough ongoing discussions, between other parties, in order to equip us with an organisational platform. In fact, aiming for the greatest precision, these basic positions remain open to modification. In addition, the broad outline has been taken and forms, in general the true historical corpus of the proletarian political camp and is, in fact, non negotiable. As well, they are for now, first and foremost, a working tool for our group.

Basic positions of Montreal International Communists

* The October 1917 revolution in Russia took the first step toward real communist world revolution in the international revolutionary wave, putting an end to the imperialist war, and lasted a few years. The failure of that revolutionary wave, particularly in Germany in 1919-23, condemned the revolution in Russia to isolation and rapid degeneration. Stalinism put into place during the 20’s and thereafter, created not communism but state capitalism centrally planned according to the doctrine of “socialism in one country

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