
Boycott Resist!

Anonyme, Martes, Agosto 21, 2007 - 17:03


In the past few years we have faced a withering barrage of attacks from the state and I am proud to say that we are still standing tall, defiant as ever.


In the past few years we have faced a withering barrage of attacks from the state and I am proud to say that we are still standing tall, defiant as ever. Many of our comrades are in prison or facing prison they have behaved honorably, and we honor their sacrifice. But not all of us have behaved with honor, some have sought to shield themselves from their actions by cowering before the state and begging for mercy, to show their contrition they have turned on their own comrades, sending them to prison as effectively as if they had performed the arrest themselves. In a still more sinister turn of events some on the outside continue to support know snitches. I am speaking of the Resist collective’s support for snitch Darren Thurston. Comrades, it sickens me to know such cowards exist within our ranks and it pains my heart to know members of our community continue to support them. It boggles my mind I cannot understand it, why do members of our community continue to support someone who has betrayed us? Is it because of friendship? Love? Who could love a snitch? Resist has attempted to explain, hear them snivel:

Let us briefly run over their excuses.
1. Darren “Snitch

Mar, 2007-08-21 23:55

ça serait p-ê bien d'avoir un peu de contexte ...
ça semble bien mais c pas claire parceque le contexte manque à l'appel


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En anglais :o)
Michael Lessard...
Mié, 2007-08-22 14:49

Tu sais, l'auteur ne lis peut-être pas le français. Vaut mieux commenter en anglais sous les textes anglophones :o)

Michaël Lessard [me laisser un message]
Militant pour les droits humains.
Siriel-Média: média libre sur les 'politiques de destruction massive'

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