Wake UP Call # 1: The North American Security and Prosperity Agreementcaptainsweep, Sábado, Agosto 18, 2007 - 11:43
Captain Sweep
On August 15th there was a forum on the SPP in Victoria, BC. A web TV Show Episode form WAKE UP CALL was the result. This is filled with great information about the SPP. After 9-11 I sent out the first written Wake-Up Call to my immediate circle of influence. I was incensed by what I had seen . How could these buildings fall down the way they did from a plane hitting them?They looked like controlled demolitions. It was so obvious! So I jabbed at the keyboard and wrote what I thought were exceptionally important words in an even exceedingly significant message. I was going to wake up the people around me to this pathetic deception! Within the message I declared myself a pi-rate. The character of Captain Sweep was born and I expected this to create quite a stir in my network. Well...things are a bit different in retrospect. If anything all I did was add to the mounting evidence to my circle that I have gone completely off the deep end. I thought I would get a message back from everyone saying at least something...and the largest message I received was silence. I was shocked. It was almost inconceivable to me that my Wake Up Call was to fall on deaf ears. Didn't they see the implications? Didn't they know what this meant? Wasn't it time to stand up together and do something? I grew angry and frustrated at the perceived complacency. Since that time I have come to realize many things. One of them is that by that time my voice had lost a great deal of credibility because of the life I had chosen to live. I had not taken the road of credible institutions to work at, I didn't have a good corporate job....I was just another lost soul that was placed into a category of "not to be listened to" due to the strange disturbing messages I would put out out from time to time. Of course this is and still is only based upon my perspective. Who knows what people thought. I know a lot of people. The degree to which they are influenced by anything I may say is a wide spectrum. We are so overwhelmed with messages why should anything I say have any more impact than anything else.... Why am I saying all this now? I am trying to give a context...set a scene...build up to the present by saying something of the past and in some ways I have come full circle by again sending out a new Videoized Wake Up Call to my circle of Influence. Much has changed since that first one. I am not the same person and the world is no longer the place it was. I know that there is enough evidence to support my claims in regards to 9-11 being a modern day Reichstag that was created to build home support for everything that has happened since...Afghanistan, Iraq, the Patriotic Act are steps towards a future where we will see all of our identity cards and even ourselves microchipped and under surveillance 24/7. The Canada that we knew when we were growing up is changing quickly and even now, 6 years later, you must see some of the writing on the wall. We are one of the richest countries in the world and as water runs out as well as oil we could be THE richest country in the world. And yet we allow small groups of bankers to control and own most of the world and soon to include most of Canada. They do this through putting puppets in power who sign agreements that then become laws and then they have a rigged legal system to defend their claims. The latest agreement is the North American Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement signed by Martin, Fox and Bush in Waco Texas in May of 2005. Have you even heard of it? Most Canadians haven't. There are over 300 resolutions that are being put in place WITHOUT ANY PUBLIC CONSULTATION. They refer to how we will live, our environmental regulations and what kind of security precautions will be in place when we finally figure out we've been scammed and decide to do something about it. George Bush is coming to Ottawa on August 20th and there is a growing awareness in Canada that we had better start to make some noise until it becomes a cry across the country to make this an election issue and at least pretend to give us a say in this manner as with NAFTA. This web TV episode highlights a forum (about the North American Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement) held in Victoria on August 15th, 2007 that was put on by a coalition between the Victoria Peace Coalition, the Victoria Chapter of the Council of Canadians and the Victoria Seniors. 4 Speakers are heard, Connie Fogal (Leader of the Canadian Action Party), Bo Filter (author and social activist), Bob Hansen (Council of Canadians -Nanaimo Chapter), and Denise Savoie (Victoria MP), and each brings a unique perspective to how badly we are being screwed by those supposed to look after the good of the nation. I am sending this out to everyone i know with the hopes that it passes through word of mouth to those who have ears to listen. The normal media is not covering this and that's because the same people who are putting these agreements in place own the media. I really hope that you take the time to watch this and that this will lead eventually to a general strike across the country. Our children's future is being stolen and if we do not take a stand now it will be too late. Watch the video and pass it on. That's all you have to do. If you do take the time to watch the video and pass it on then many thanks. If you don't because you are too busy...don't complain when in 10 years your life is actually effected by what is happening now. You were warned and you did nothing about it. That may sound harsh but the Canadian Middle class needs a wake up call because you have it so good...and the baby boomers may be called baby doomers because you were the richest generation ever and you left the biggest mess for your children and grandchildren to clean up. WAKE UP!
Here is a link to the video:
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