
Motion against SPP to be debated in Canadian parliamentary committee (Fall 2007)

Michael Lessard..., Miércoles, Agosto 15, 2007 - 21:53


Peter Julian, NDP Trade Critic, has filed a Motion to expose and halt the SPP agenda.

A Motion has been submitted to the Standing Committee on International Trade (CIIT). It is the first in a series of Motions Peter Julian will be submitting on behalf of the NDP to the CIIT.

A petition is included in the link below.

This Member of parliament hopes that your response and support will help us increase pressure on the Harper government to suspend SPP implementation; and organize a full legislative review and meaningful consultations with civil society, culminating with a full debate and a vote in Parliament.

Text of the Motion

NDP Motion to be debated at the Standing Committee on International Trade in the Fall Session of Parliament

That the Standing Committee on International Trade report to the House of Commons urging the Government of Canada to stop further implementation of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) with the United States and Mexico until there is a democratic mandate from the people of Canada, Parliamentary oversight, and consideration of its profound consequences on Canada’s existence as a sovereign nation and its ability to adopt autonomous and sustainable economic, social, and environmental policies, and that the Government of Canada conduct a transparent and accountable public debate of the SPP process, involving public consultations with civil society and a full legislative review, including the work, recommendations, and reports of all SPP working groups, and a full debate and a vote in Parliament.


Site internet de Peter Julian

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