Former Vice-Attorney General and many city councils want Bush empeached!matchafa, Jueves, Agosto 2, 2007 - 11:04 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | Video | "Anti-terrorisme"/Liberté | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Guerre / War | Imperialism)
Last July 17 (2007), G.W. Bush signed an executive order allowing the confiscation of all belongings of a person arbitrarily judged to be related to actions supporting violence in Iraq, and all this without due process or even a judicial review. Video of an MSNBC interview with a constitutional lawyer, and former Vice-Attorney General for Reagan, mentions this order and calls for Bush to be empeached. MSNBC also mentions that many city councils are calling for empeachment. A caller on C-span is censured for trying to discuss this question : [ Translated by Mic from the CMAQ.]
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