
Call for support by Anarchists Against the Wall

Anonyme, Lunes, Julio 30, 2007 - 19:33





Dear friend,

The mounting legal cost of the joint Palestinian-Israeli struggle
against the occupation is forcing us to send this urgent appeal for
funds. We are asking for your support to continue the work of the
Israeli group Anarchists Against the Wall (AATW).

For the past four years, the group has supported the Palestinian
struggle against Israeli occupation and specifically against Israel`s
segregation wall. Week after week, AATW joins the Palestinian popular
resistance against the wall, in diverse areas of the West Bank,
including the villages of Bil`in west of Ramallah, al-Ma`asara, and
Ertas, south of Bethlehem, and Beit Ummar, north of Hebron.

Activists have often been arrested and indicted for their participation
in the struggle. Fortunately, the group is represented by a dedicated
lawyer, Adv. Gaby Lasky. Adv. Lasky has tirelessly worked to defend
activists arrested at demonstrations or direct actions in the West Bank
and in Israel. Though the legal defense she provides AATW is almost a
full-time job, she has agreed to be paid only a token fee. However, the
group has not managed to cover even this sum, and now owes approximately
$40,000 in legal expenses for over 60 indictments. In addition to this
enormous legal debt, AATW activists are forced to spend large sums on
transportation and phone bills.

Please make a donation that will enable us to continue this struggle.

Thank you for your solidarity.
Anarchists Against the Wall

For more information about AATW, our actions and how to make a donation,
visit our website: or contact us at donate (at)

Site of AWALLS

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