
Repression in San Isidro Aloapam, Oaxaca of our brothers and sisters of the CIPO-RFM

Anonyme, Sábado, Junio 23, 2007 - 13:48

Indigenous Popular Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo Flores Magón" (CIPO-RFM)

Santa Lucía del Camino, Oaxaca, June 18th 2007.
Español | Français

[ CIPO-Vancouver summary: Repression against the community of San Isidro Aloapam of the CIPO-RFM by the PRI paramilitares of San Miguel Aloapam.]

They do not want us as Indians, they want us dead to steal from us.
Santa Lucia del Camino,.

To all honest media
To all sons and daughters of mother Earth
To all brothers and sisters who are part of La Otra Campaña

Brothers and Sisters:

The hearts of all men and women in the Indigenous Popular Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo Flores Magón" (CIPO-RFM) are saddened and angered because of bad governments who keep trying to steal our mother Earth only to hand it to rich businessmen. These governments use communities that are affiliated with the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) to assault us and later say that it is merely a conflict between two communities so that they can wash their hands clean of the blood that is being shed. This is what is currently happening with San Isidro Aloapam, a community that forms part of CIPO-RFM. This morning’s events in a place known as Yyusuni in the San Isidro Aloapam forest help illustrate this problem.

On Sunday June 17th, 2007 at 8.00 p.m. we received a phone call from Mr. Ricardo Alavés Méndez, a police officer from the San Isidro Aloapam community. He said he was extremely worried because according to some reports, San Miguel Aloapam’s communal and municipal authorities had decided to go into the forest and log the trees in the area. We have been asking the following authorities to intervene: Esteban Ortiz Rodea (SEMARNAT regional delegate); Salvador Anta Fonseca (SEMARNAT regional manager); Francisco Reyes Cervantes (CONAFOR ex-regional manager); PROFEPA; and Ulises Ruiz Ortiz, regarding the issues of agrarian conflict between the two communities; the outbreak of the Mexican pine beetle; and San miguel Aloapam’s indiscriminate forest logging that has caused irreversible damage to the ecosystem and has resulted in water shortages for neighboring communities.

Our compañeros from San Isidro decided that they would keep surveillance of the area in case that San Miguel Aloapam began to log the forest. They decided that a commission would go into the forest in a peaceful way and engage in dialogue to try to convince them to retreat. Compañeros and representatives of CIPO made a phone call to Salvador Anta Fonseca (CONAFOR regional manager) as a preventative measure. We called his cellular phone (044 951 54 71281) to let him know about our fears and to ask him to intervene because that is his duty. He acknowledged that SEMARNAT, CONAFORT, PROFEPA, and the state Government are involved in the issue because they granted a permit to San Miguel Aloapam, completely disregarding San Isidro. They did this in spite of their knowledge of the agrarian conflict between these two communities. Nevertheless, he got upset with our compañeros when they told him that he would be held responsible for anything that might happen.

Unfortunately, today our fears were confirmed because at 8.15 a.m. loggers from San Miguel Aloapam entered Yyuzuni guarded by more than 600 armed men. They were carrying guns, rifles, and shotguns of different calibers and were accompanied by their municipal president, San Miguel Fidel Alejandro Cruz Pablo and his cabinet: secretary Pablo Alavés Pérez; treasurer Joel Santiago; municipal union leader tomas Alavez Cruz; and auxiliary secretary Félix Rogelio Alavés Pérez.

At approximately 10.30 a.m. about 70 men and women from San Isidro walked into the forest with the intention of peacefully addressing the people from San Miguel Aloapam. However, when they reached the forest the loggers were already falling trees. Still, they approached San Miguel’s authorities to try and speak to them, but realized that the municipal president and his cabinet were extremely drunk. The San Miguel authorities began insulting and attacking the San Isidro people and ordered their people to arrest all those who were from San Isidro. Given the situation our compañeros began backing down. It was at that point that the people from San Miguel began firing shots in every direction; they had to dodge bullets that were being fired by their own people. As a result the men and women from San Isidro ran into the forest as fast as they could to try and stay away from the bullets and from being caught by San Miguel Aloapam paramilitaries.

At approximately noon, and little by little, those who were hiding in the forest made their way back to San Isidro Aloapam. Initially it was thought that 13 compañeros had been disappeared, but slowly they started making their way back to the community. At around 7.00 p.m. the police headquarters received an anonymous phone call saying that those that had been kidnapped were in San Miguel’s jail. The person said that they were being tortured and half dead from the beatings. Oscar Fernandez, private secretary of the Head of State, was called immediately. He confirmed the information and mentioned that he had been aware for the last three hours but had not communicated it to anyone because he did not have the names of the kidnapped.

People from San Miguel kidnapped four brothers and one sister. They are torturing them in the San Miguel Aloapam jail, and we fear for their lives:

1. Juventino Cruz Pérez, 19 years old
2. Artemio Pérez Cruz, 52 years old
3. Juana Morales Pérez, 30 years old
4. Eutimio Méndez López, 32 years old
5. Anastasio López Pérez, 48 years old

We called Oscar Fernandez at 2.57 p.m. so that he could give us more information about the missing people. He told us that the police was already in the forest when San Isidro’s community members arrived there and that people from San Miguel were shooting at them. He also mentioned that San Miguel people denied having any prisoners.

This is all a result of the actions of SEMARNAT, PROFEPA, CONAFOR, and the state Government. The deaths and blood are their responsibility. We are currently receiving information from CEPROCI about 6 deaths. However, we do not know which community the deceased belong to. What we do know is that this is all occurring due to the conflict.

Currently, San Miguel Aloapam community members are using a megaphone to tell all its people to gather with sticks, machetes, and other arms in order to attack the autonomous community of San Isidro Aloapam. It is now known that people from San Miguel cut down a tree in an area called Montesilla, which is near the entrance of San Isidro Aloapam, with the purpose of blocking the path.

At approximately 10.00 p.m. according to government reports presented to us via a murderer, Joaquín Rodríguez Palacio, San Miguel Aloapam would free the hostages if the town was presented with the following people:

Ricardo Alavés Méndez, police officer San Isidro Aloapam
Epifanio Alavés Soriano, agency secretary
Eulogio Pérez Cruz, communal land owner from San Isidro
Marcelino Pérez Méndez, communal land owner from San Isidro
Octavio López Alavés, communal representative
Demetrio Pérez Méndez, community member
Dolores Villalobos Cuamatzi, general coordinator of CIPO-RFM

Given all the facts, all our hearts can feel is that both the state and federal governments are protecting the PRI logres and paramilitaries from San Miguel Aloapam, and that once again they are not practicing justice when it comes to us, the indigenous. We hold the following people responsible for anything that may happen to community members, citizens, municipal authorities and public authorities of San Isidro Aloapam: SEMARNAT, Oaxaca delegate Esteban Ortiz Rodea, Juan Rafael Evira Quesada; regional manager SALVADOR ANTA FONSECA; and CONAFOR ex regional manager FRANCISCO REYES CERVANTES; PROFEPA; ULISES RUIZ ORTIZ; JOAQUIN RODRIGUEZ PALACIOS; MANUEL GARCIA CORPUS; President FELIPE CALDERÓN; PRI candidate for Sierra Juarez deputy ADRIAN MENDEZ CRUZ; and San Miguel Aloapam municipal Presient FIDEL ALEJANDRO CRUZ PABLO.

We call on all men and women with good hearts, the free, alternative and community media to register what is currently happening and to spread the information to all environmental and human rights groups, social organizations, indigenous peoples from around the world, La Otra Campaña, and all those who fight for justice. We urge you to help with any actions that may be within your means. You can send a letter or call SEMARNAT, CONAFOR, PROFEPA, FELIPE CALDERON, AND ULISES RUIZ so that all attacks on San Isidro Aloapam stop and to prevent the destruction of the forest. We also ask that they act with honesty and justice regarding the demands of our brothers and sisters from San Isidro. The demands are the following.

1. The freedom of our five brothers that were kidnapped by people from San Miguel Aloapam.
2. Punishment for those who have or commit any actions against people from San Isidro Aloapam. In addition, guarantees for the safety of community authorities and every single inhabitant of San Isidro.

3. That the corresponding truly execute the sentence that will force San Miguel Aloapam to recognize 412 community land owners from San Isidro Aloapam.

4. That authorities recognize the injustices that our compañeros have suffered under the legal cases 123/2004, 36/2000, and 129/2003 because in spite of having presented evidence that proves their innocence, we fear that the court ruling will not be in our favor due to San Miguel Aloapam’s bribing of judges.

5. That San Miguel Aloapam’s forest exploitation under the pretext of ‘curing’ it from the Mexican pine beetle stop. We want SEMARNAT to accept a program to heal the 3-4 hectares of forested land affected by the pest. This should occur with the participation of environmental groups, community members of San Isidro Aloapam, forest technicians, neighboring communities, and using the lumber for the good of the community and not for selling it.

6. That SEMARNAT does not grant San Miguel Aloapam any permit with the help of CONAFOR, otherwise they will be taking part in an ecocide.

7. That there is a follow up of all the complaints previously made against paramilitaries from San Miguel Aloapam befote state and federal authorities as well as CONAFOR, PROFEPA, SEMARNAT Y GOBIERNOS.

For the reconstitution and free association of peoples
Indigenous Popular Council of Oaxaca “Ricardo Flores Magón"

The Organizing Committee
Dolores Villalobos, Rosario Gómez, Simón YIlescas, Crisologo Calleja, Pedro Bautista Rojas y Miguel Cruz Moreno.

Please send e-mails and make phone calls in solidarity and support to San Isidro Aloapam to the following numbers and addresses:

Juan Rafael Evira Quesada
Titular de la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, SEMARNAT
Teléfono: 5628 0602 al 05, Fax: 56-28-06-43, Red: (Red 300,349 Red de Voz: 10901)
E-mail: .
Blvd. Adolfo Ruiz Cortínez 4209 Col. Jardines en la Montaña. C.P. 14210. México D.F.

Esteban Ortiz Rodea
Delegado Federal en Oaxaca de SEMARNAT
teléfono: (951) 512 96 00, Fax: 951-5129634, Red: 29630
Ignacio Loyola Vera
Procurador Federal de Protección al Ambiente, PROFEPA
Teléfono: 26-15-20-95 54-49-63-00, Fax: 26-15-20-41
Oficinas Centrales: Ajusco 200 CP 14210 Col Jardines en la Montaña, Distrito Federal, TLALPAN

Edgar Guillermo Sigler Andrade
Delegado de la PROFEPA en Oaxaca
Télefono: 9515160078, 9515141991, Fax: 9515169213
Av. Independencia 709, Palacio Federal, Centro. CP 68000 Col Centro Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax.

Salvador Anta Fonseca
Gerente regional en Oaxaca de la Comisión Nacional Forestal, CONAFOR
Sabinos 402, Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca. Colonia Reforma
Teléfono: 01 951 5187210, E-mail:

Residencia Oficial de los Pinos Casa Miguel Alemán, Col. San Miguel Chapultepec, C.P. 11850, México D. F., Tel: +521 (55) 27891100, Fax: +521 (55) 52772376

Licenciado Francisco Javier Ramírez Acuña,
Secretario de Gobernación,
Bucareli 99, 1er. piso, Col. Juárez, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, México D.F., C.P. 06600, México,
Fax: +521 (55) 5093 3414, Tel. +521 (55) 5093 3400
La dirección mail no aparece en los directorios, favor de mandar comunicación por fax

Lic. Eduardo Medina-Mora Icaza,
Procurador General de la República
Av. Paseo de la Reforma #211-213 Col. Cuauhtémoc, Delegación Cuauhtémoc. México
D.F., C.P. 06500
Para enviar correos en línea:

Dr. José Luis Soberanes Fernández
Presidente de la CNDH
Periférico Sur 3469, Col. San Jerónimo Lídice, 10200, México, D.F.
Tel: 631 00 40, 6 81 81 25, Fax: 56 81 84 90, Lada sin costo: 01 800 00
Correo electrónico: ,

Jaime Mario Pérez Jiménez
Presidente de la Comisión Estatal de Derechos Humanos
Domicilio: Calle de los Derechos Humanos no. 210, Col. América, C.P. 68050, Oaxaca, Oax.
Teléfonos/Fax: Lada (951) 503 02 20, 503 02 21, 513 51 85, 513 51 91, 51351 97
Correo electrónico:


Consejo Indígena Popular de Oaxaca "Ricardo Flores Magón", CIPO-RFM.
Calle: Emilio Carranza 210, Sta. Lucía del Camino Oaxaca, México. tel: +(951) 51-78183 y +(951) 51-78190


PARA DONATIVOS A NOMBRE DEL CIPO-RFM: Banco Nacional de México, SA. Domicilio Hidalgo # 821. col.Centro, Oax. C.P.68000, Sucursal Oaxaca, No. 120, Suit: Banamex: BNMXMXMM, Cuenta: 002610012077451770

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CIPO-Vancouver (Canada)

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