
Lennoxville Rock for Roots and DIY Fest!

Anonyme, Jueves, Abril 5, 2007 - 20:10


Two-Day Extravaganza of Music, Free Stuff, Workshops and Food! April 14th-15th in Lennoxville (Borough of Sherbrooke), Quebec! Call for workshops on the second day (RSVP if you can)! Housing should be available for people from out of town.

RSVP to Erik at [eriktheredscares{at}gmail{dot}com]

Lennoxville Rock for Roots and DIY Fest! Two-Day Extravaganza of Music, Free Stuff, Workshops and Food! April 14th-15th in Lennoxville (Borough of Sherbrooke), Quebec!

Lodging should be available to people from out of town, with the more notice the better.

Call for workshops and skillshares towards the bottom!

In support of Community Garden
This event is in support of the Lennoxville Community Garden: right now I am trying to establish an email list for the garden. If you want a plot, will be here for any part of the spring or summer and want to help out, want to help us get started before you leave, want to help in the fall, or just want to hear updates and about events we're doing, respond to me to get on the list! We're also looking for donations of tools and gardening supplies!

Rock for Roots
9B Little Forks
1 PM

Outdoor Show: Featuring local bands Massawippi Skank, Snap Caravan, Maximum Thrust, The Unusual Suspects, Erin McGregor, Matt McIntyre, Ryan Chalifour and Chris Maynard's band; Fraser McDougall (Montreal solo artist), Cash Crop (Burlington, Vermont punk!) and possibly more! Donate a couple bucks to support bands who are coming from out of town.

Green [Anarchist] March/Parade: Paint and cardboard to make signs, drums, perhaps noisemakers and more will be supplied for people [though please do bring more supplies, costumes, bikes, etc.] for a march/parade through Lennoxville in support of the Community Garden, the new Free Bike Share and other green-minded initiatives and activities!

Really Really Free Market: Bring free stuff to give away! Take free stuff! All are welcome, and you don't have to do both!

Free Food, Info Table and Potluck: Free food will be provided courtesy of the Community Kitchen! We'll be accepting donations which will go to support the Community Garden and projects to help people in Lennoxville start their own gardens! The Sociology/Environmental Clubs will have an info table as well about things going on locally and ways to get involved, related global issues, and practical info. Local topics include the Highway 410 extension, Sodexho, the Community Garden, the Free Bike Share and more. Broader topics include food politics, gardening, ecological building and living, DIY skills, war, indigenous struggles and anticapitalism. There will also be a potluck, so bring food to share if you like!

Setup and Cleanup: Volunteers for helping set up, operating the free food and info tables, and clean up are welcome as well.

DIY Fest
Saturday, April 15th
9B Little Forks
12 PM

Day Two of this two-day extravaganza will be the DIY Fest.

Call for Workshops, Skillshares, Knowledge-shares: This will be the main focus of Day Two.

Got any skills you can teach? It could be anything: sewing, cooking for large groups, book-binding, silk-screening, brewing alcohol, gathering wild foods/herbs, first aid, outdoor/survival skills, storytelling, fire-building/starting, making homemade pads/tampons, breadmaking, making homemade dyes, bike repair/maintenance, growing plants inside, gardening, building forts, climbing trees, making jam or jelly, or anything else you can imagine!

Or is there something you learned in history, or a mind-blowing book you read, or some extraordinary experience you had, or anything else you've learned/experienced that you'd like to share? That's great too!

Potluck: It's breakfast/lunchtime! So there'll be another potluck! Bring food if you can, but it's fine if you don't.

Really Really Free Market: This will continue from Saturday. Give free stuff and/or get free stuff!

Discussions: Most likely there will be time for more informal discussions as well. If you have something you know or some skill which is really short and simple, or if you only think of it at the last minute, this should be an opportunity for you to share it.

Informal Activities: If we have extra time, we may want to do other informal activities, based on whatever ideas people in the group have. We could form a spokescouncil as a group and let everyone say their ideas for what we could do, and then decide as a group. A game or something fun or festive might be a good way to close the weekend.

RSVP to Erik at [eriktheredscares{at}gmail{dot}com]

How to Get Here:

From New England: Come up I91, cross the border into Quebec. Take the first exit into Stanstead and get onto 143 Nord. This will take you straight to Lennoxville (about 40 minutes).

From Maine: Take either Rt. 3 or Rt. 27 into Quebec. Get on 212 Ouest (West). Take this to 108 Ouest, which you can take into Lennoxville.

From New York: Take 87 across the border; get on Hwy 15 Nord and take it to meet 10 Est, which you follow to Sherbrooke.

From Montreal: Get on Hwy 10 East toward Sherbrooke. In Sherbrooke, exit onto Hwy 410 and exit onto King Ouest.

From Northern Quebec: Take 55 Sud into Sherbrooke and get on 143 Sud.

From Sherbrooke: Take King to the bottom of the hill and turn onto 143 Sud. This will take you into Lennoxville.

In Lennoxville: At the only stoplights, turn onto College St. (108 Sud towards Cookshire and Megantic). Turn left onto on the last street before the bridge (Little Forks). There is parking by the football field, but if it fills up you may have to park elsewhere in town, which is easy enough.

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