
France : "Let these kids grow up here!"

Anonyme, Lunes, Abril 2, 2007 - 01:29


"Laissez-les grandir ici!" (Let these kids grow up here!)

Here is a short film that has been seen over 80,000 times on the internet and thousands more in cinemas in France, where, through the eyes and voices of children, it questions again the politics of deportation of so-called "illegal" immigrants – this is the midst of the election campaigns. A national petition is gaining momentum and may well gather more signatures than last year's civil disobedience campaign "Nous les prenons sous notre protection" (We will protect them)

Watch the video :
French with English subtitles.

or (français) : LAISSEZ LES GRANDIR ICI!

or (hispanic) : "¡ DEJENLOS CRECER AQUI !"

In primary, secondary and high schools, a large solidarity movement is growing to give support to the children of men and women who are illegal residents and as such are threatened with expulsion.

This movement is primordial for French society : the children in French schools are the nation’s own children, they are the children of the Republic.

Whether in a personal capacity or through associative action, film-makers have been committing themselves to sponsoring and protecting these families who are in precarious situations and even in danger.

The decision to make a collective film rapidly became essential.

To make this film, we turned to the Réseau Education Sans Frontières (RESF) [The Education without Borders Network] and to certain teachers, who introduced us to some of the children of illegal immigrants, known in France as "Sans Papiers

Film-makers’ Support Group for Illegal Immigrants
Réseau Education Sans Frontières
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