
Protest Canadian Minister of Defence Gordon O'Connor at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal

Anonyme, Martes, Marzo 27, 2007 - 02:55

-- Canada out of Kandahar!

-- Protest Canadian Minister of Defence Gordon O'Connor at the Queen
Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal

TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 11am-1pm
at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel
900 Rene-Levesque West
(corner of Mansfield; metro Bonaventure)

-> The demonstration outside the Queen Elizabeth Hotel begins at 11am.
-> Please join us at anytime between 11am and 1pm.
-> Bring your banners and noisemakers.
-> Consider taking time off work or school to join us to protest
Canada's role in Afghanistan and the so-called "War on Terror"
-> We will be protesting, rain or shine.

Conservative Minister of Defence, Gordon O'Connor, is scheduled to
speak at a luncheon at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, sponsored by
Montreal's Council on Foreign Relations (CORIM). The title of his talk
is "Rebuilding Afghanistan and Securing our Future", and the main
sponsors of the $90/plate luncheon are Montreal-based war-profiteering
companies like SNC-Lavalin, Bombardier and CAE.

Gordon O'Connor recently described Canada's presence in Afghanistan as
"retribution" for the death of Canadians in the World Trade Center on
9-11. He lied to the public about the treatment of Afghan prisoners
who face torture and death. He is a former General who prior to
joining cabinet spent eight years as a lobbyist for some of Canada's
largest military contractors.

Gordon O'Connor unequivocally supports Canada's role in Afghanistan as
part of a Canadian contribution to George Bush's "War on Terror";
Canadian troops are in Afghanistan to allw more American troops to be
in Iraq.

A Minister of Defence who justifies Canada's role in Afghanistan in
the language of revenge, who is in the pockets of military
contractors, and who speaks to an audience of paying businessmen and
politicians at a pretentious hotel, deserves to be actively protested
and confronted.

We encourage ALL who oppose war and imperialism, and Canada's
disgusting contribution to the so-called "War on Terror", to join us
on Tuesday, April 3, at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel (corner of
Mansfield and Rene-Levesque) between 11am and 1pm.

Official details about Gordon O'Connor's talk is available at:

To actively support the demonstration, and to help with mobilizing and
organizing efforts please get in touch!

telephone: 514-848-7583

-- Block the Empire-Montreal

Michael Lessard...
Mar, 2007-03-27 09:49

You can place it in Press Releases or the Calendar, in all cases it is a text of the CMAQ.

It's the equivalent of posting the same text on both Newswire and Analysis by claiming that a text should be in both categories.

Michaël Lessard [me laisser un message]
Militant pour les droits humains.
Siriel-Média: média libre sur les 'politiques de destruction massive'

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