
They want an acknowledgement of delivery? Here it is!

amy, Jueves, Marzo 22, 2007 - 13:19

Nous On Vote Pas

The State pulls out their stick

Following our educational campaign on abstention, which we activated in various cities throughout Quebec- the General manager of Elections sent a legal affidavit demanding that we stop, to our coalition- but we will not retreat, due to this threat.

It is useless to try to force us to conform to the electoral law seeing as we reject and are against elections, the parliamentary system, and more broadly, the State. It is completely stupid to believe that we will ask for the permission, to do an education campaign, from the same institutions which we denounce, or with whoever deems themselves the authority. We are ready to face the consequences of our acts if they are viewed as reprehensible by the ruling class.

This is part and parcel of the guise in our "democracy", the threat of repression and censorship, in which they try to strangle our voices, highlights again their sham.

We won't sign them a blank cheque...
We don't vote!

On leur signera pas de chèque en blanc...
Nous on vote pas!

Une initiative du RAME et de la NEFAC

CMAQ: Vie associative

Collectif à Québec: n'existe plus.

Impliquez-vous !


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